Edema after Bra Blubber removal

on 2/23/14 1:23 am - Israel
Last Tuesday in Day Surgery and with local anesthetic on my right side I had dog ear of the breast and bra blubber removal.
My incision looks nice considering the redness and bruising above and below it but I have a lot of edema on the incision causing me great pain that even my scripts for OxyContin and tramadol cannot resolve. The pain is constant and won't go away!
I really feel a ps should see it but the way the release papers were written, "stitches to be removed at two weeks and clinic visit in a month". I have seen two GPs and I am on topical antibiotic cream and an oral antibiotic.
Today I asked my GP to let me do blood tests for CBC (I'm anemic and my HmG is going down in spite of my taking iron), ESR -came back high at 42, and waiting for the CRP test.
I'm afraid something is going on under the edema but unless my GP doesn't agree/suggest and full out paperwork for me to go to hospital clinic where this surgery was done, I'm screwed.
The pain is constant and debilitating me. The edema makes me feel like my under the arm out is swollen and the area hurts when I cough or take a deep breath.
Im at my wits end.
A y suggestions, advice or words of comfort...
Please no judgement calls on my choices.
Mikimi in Israel
on 2/24/14 2:02 am

I really hope you feel better soon. I had my small revision and have had different side effects than the original surgery but keep trying to remind myself to live day by day. I had a small pillow I used when I sneezed or coughed and used it to put pressure on the incision. I also practiced breathing techniques that I googled. Maybe that will help?

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

on 2/24/14 3:28 am - Israel
Thanks for your response!
I am just now returning from the ER of the hospital where my plastics were done. I had to convince my GP to give me a referral and then travel three hours on a bus. A resident ps saw me but she spoke with me in English (and could barely speak Hebrew). She took a photo and consulted with three PS seniors and I was given scripts for different antibiotic cream and oral; and to return to the plastics clinic on Sunday (regular day here in Israel).
I find that since this dog ear is near the corner of the breast and the skin removal that is normally covered by the bra band, and this area is swollen, I do better to sleep in my recliner than getting in and out of my bed where I am used to sleeping on my side.
At this hour if the day, I just want a shower and to somehow get the cream on this large incision (usually a friend helps as it is at least 20cm long-and hard to reach) and to relax in my recliner and hopefully fall asleep and without pain.
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