Did United Healthcare Cover Your Plastics?
each of us have different coverage determined by our employers. I have UHC and they have a total exclusion for ALL plastics post weight loss. No exceptions ever. My friend has UHC and she has had almost everything covered without any difficulty. Each person needs to just call their own company and get the requirements. What one person has covered, most likely will not be the case for others.
Lost 271lbs with my LapBand in 22 months! My Band malfunctioned and I gained almost 42lbs and then revised to the Sleeve 9/24/12! I lost another 140 lbs with my Sleeve! Loved the LapBand and Lovin' The Sleeve!
My Thigh reduction is being covered by UHC, under the Medicare Complete plan.
My surgery was medically necessary due to thigh skin that kept me from walking unaided.
The surgery will be staged due to the amount of skin to be removed.
Stage One was done December 27, 2013. Healing and waiting for Stage Two.