
on 11/28/13 11:08 pm

You ladies that have had this done are you happy with the results?  Are you even and were the scars will hidden? Are there things that I should ask my plastic surgeon to be careful of and watch for ?  I know he knows what he is doing but sometimes you can be aware of issues that you know will bug you.  I have the need to be very even I am that kind of person.  Is there anything I should know going into this that I might not be aware of. Maybe needs after surgery I might not be thinking of?  I am getting nervous my time is coming very fast Dec 17 th  I want to have everything ready for when I get home what do I need? Thanks for your help and advice.

on 11/29/13 6:48 am

Hi. I just wanted to lend support. I am actually getting mine done on the 13th. Yup FRIDAY 13th. Not freaking out at all. Yeah, right!

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Susan M.
on 12/8/13 9:22 pm

Friday, the 13th, can actually be a lucky day!  My brachioplasty is the day before your's.  Hope all goes well. Good luck.

Susan M.
on 12/20/13 4:03 pm

How did you surgery go?

on 11/29/13 6:54 am
Good luck sending prayers your way. Let me know how it goes
on 11/29/13 7:39 pm
Im doubting my surgeon now. Freaking a little...
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
on 11/29/13 9:11 pm

I am sure you have done your research.  There is not a perfect surgeon but they all want the best  out come for us.  Have you seen any of his work?    Stay calm it will work out.  Please just  remember all this so you can tell it to me in a few weeks. Hugs I understand  

on 11/29/13 10:05 pm
Thank you Cindy.
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Susan M.
on 12/8/13 9:21 pm

Glad to see this post. My surgery is Dec. 12, and I have some of the same questions. I'll be watching for replies to your post and hopefully we'll feel more prepared by the time we have our brachioplasties.  Good luck. Hope all goes well.

on 12/14/13 1:57 am

Just wondering how you are doing. 

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