How do you deal with disappointment after plastic surgery?
I think unless a woman wants to get implants in the breasts, ass, cheeks, etc, or ribs removed like they do in the DR to make the waist tiny, that mostly what the PS does is make a more compressed version of the patient. That is what removing the excess skin and fat does. Now if someone wanted to keep going back for more and more surgery to fine tune everything and wanted to get fillers and some of the tht hints I have already mention, and she also wants to workout and take very good care of her body then many more things are possible as far as archiving a body like Jessica Alba, or Anna Nicole, or whomever. But a person should not go in expecting that a 50yo body that has been abused for a few decades can be made to look like a supermodel with one treatment. I have seen some people do absolutely amazing things with their bodies, and a lot more of it has to do with fitness than fillers. What I also notice is that women who were once MO will fall in love with their bodies after body contouring. I know I did after my tummy tuck. And although they may feel like they could be a playboy centerfold, Hugh Hefner (is he still alive) probably won't be calling. But that is not what is important. The fact that the woman feels so sexy and happy about her body is what is important. For some people that may feel like perfection was achieved from plastics.
I really admire your healthy mindset, Mikimi. I think I willo quote you. "At some point I just have to accept me fore me with my bodily flaws." Tell me, would you feel the same way if you had paid 18,000 USD for your results? I am not being snarky here, it is a legitimate question. Thanks!
Even in 1985 when my dd was born by Caesarian I was in hospital for 12 days when all the other woman were in for 6 as I spiked a fever and the cause was never found but I was given flagyl and antibiotic and had to express and chuck the breast milk.
In 2006 I had Ankle Fusion and somehow a few weeks later I broke the malleous while in a cast. I then had a revision and ended up having a total of 9 casts over a 199 days. Granted inweighed 104K and wa not with upper body strength for the Canadian crutches for a long time and used a walker.
In the long/short to your question: I understand where you're coming from on expectation but I also know that my body has a "given" expectation that I might have some complication even if a "simple" procedure.
You can use my writing for anything you want.
No guarantee that a private plastic surgery practice would have yielded better results. I have seen crappy results from renown plastic surgeons. I have seen fantastic results from residency programs. I was on the hospital for a very long time after my c section. I developed a fever and they thought perhaps it was an infection from the cath. I was young and healthy at the time but I still developed preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. And now with my recent plastic surgery my axilla are not healing for some reasons unknown. I am impeccable with my health and nutrition. And I went to a private practice for my work. Sometimes **** happens, I guess.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Mikimi. Improvement is so much more important to me than perfection. And my improvement has been huge, for me. Others may be dissatisfied with my results, but I think, for the most part, things have worked out. I no longer have all that hanging skin flapping against my thighs and filling in my pants, looking gross and making me feel so self-conscious. I now hold my head high in any situation, because this surgery has given me confidence that I believe in. I no longer feel abnormal. Imagine a tummy tuck having such a profound effect on a person's self-worth.
as for regrets, the only thing I regret is that I didn't discuss a fleur de lis more with my doctor. With the muscle tightening, the skin of my upper abs, under my boobs, seems flabbier, and I think a fdl would have helped with this. I left it to my surgeon's discretion and he opted for not. Who knows what he was seeing when I was on the table, but I have to trust that it was the right decision at the time.
when I look at my before and afters, I am amazed that he was able to do what he did. I am still a good 30 lbs heavier than I would like to be, but I think for the most part I have a tummy that fits in with the rest of me. I have battled my body most of my life and now that I am living the last half of my life, I have no desire to battle it out anymore. I refuse to turture myself with diets and self-recrimination over those 30 pounds. I am learning to like my whole self again. Heck, I remember being 130 lbs and hating my body then. If only I knew then what I know now, I would have done more things and gone more places and liked myself more, instead of saying "maybe when I am thinner." That all stops for me now.
We all have to decide for ourselves when enough is enough, when we will be content. I would love to get my boobs done because it would also help smooth out my side boobs and the roll between my waistband and my bra. But there is so much more I could do with those thousands of dollars that it's not in the cards for me right now. Perhaps later. It is an individual journey and everyone makes their own choices. Is getting your body to your own standard of perfect going to make everything right? Who knows? I'm kind of thinking that no matter what, some people will always desire more, and I feel kind of bad for those people to never know peace and contentment within themselves. But as I said, it's a very personal journey. What's right for me isn't necessarily what's right for you.
Improvement is my word of the day. Thank you, Dr. Michael Kreidstein, from the depths of my being.
Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora. Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.
I had an apron of flesh that would slap against my body if I ran up the stairs. It was loud and I could both hear and feel it. It was quite gross. My tummy tuck was amazing. Like you, I never knew it could make such a difference in my life. Of all my procedures, the tumy tuck was my very favorite because the transformation was so dramatic.
I also recall being an extremely attractive and thin teenager and being insecure about my weight or my looks. Oh yes, if only I knew what power I had, if I had known then what I know now, wow!