please help! armpit opened up after arm lift :(
on 9/25/13 4:26 am
Now it has been open for about a week and nothing I do will close it. I am cleaning it and keeping it dry.
I have called the doctor who says not to worry. I have done my own research I know it is a normal think (happens to 1 out of 4 people)
Anyone ever have their armpit open after an extended arm lift?
How long until it is healed?
What else can I do?!? I am going crazy here lol
Thank you thank you thank you!
oh, welcome to this issue.
I also had extended arm lift with Dr Capella at April 11 this year.
My both armpits opened 1 week after surgery and it took 4 month them to close.
Sorry, I do not want to scare you, but this issue is very annoying.
Please make sure you keep them dry, armpits.
Mine start to close after Dr Capella used nitrate sticks to burn tissue. My right opened again and closed in 2 weeks.
nothing is dangerous, but please keep Dr Capella inform and see him as often as he ask you.
All the best,
PART 1 VSG 03/28/2006; PART 2 DS 01/31/20007
on 9/25/13 5:39 am
How did you make sure to keep them dry? (sounds like a stupid question lol) I just used pads sometimes but try to let air hit them as well. Did you use anything special to clean them?
Did those stick things hurt? Now I'm scared!
I am scared to move! He does awesome arms so it it took a year it would be worth it I just don't want to have a hope in my armpit lol Ugh
Any other tips for me?
Thank you so much for your help!
I used dry gauze every day under armpits, it was a pain because I could not tape them , just hold them by my arms.
I used Dakin solution for one week, it did not help.Only those nitrate sticks made the was a little burning sensation but bearable
Please look for infection, like fever to make sure you are ok.
Do not worry, you are right, it will all worhed in the end
PART 1 VSG 03/28/2006; PART 2 DS 01/31/20007
I have this issue, too. It happened right around four weeks (I'm almost at six weeks now). One of them on my arms is closing already. I do the wet to dry packing, where you put wet (saline) gauze in the opening, and tape dry gauze (paper, medical tape works good) over it. It is a royal pain the ass, so I feel your pain. Good luck.
on 9/25/13 9:08 am
Mine happened at two weeks out :/ I really thought I was at the point where I was safe so started pushing myself more fml
Hmmm never heard of wet gauze I was told to keep at bone dry. I was thinking of using that clear glue like stitch stuff, but I'm nervous the doctor wont like it or advise it.
Yes it is... I am scared to do anything and worry about infection. Ugh good thing I love my arms!
Thank you and good luck to you
on 9/25/13 9:08 am
Mine happened at two weeks out :/ I really thought I was at the point where I was safe so started pushing myself more fml
Hmmm never heard of wet gauze I was told to keep at bone dry. I was thinking of using that clear glue like stitch stuff, but I'm nervous the doctor wont like it or advise it.
Yes it is... I am scared to do anything and worry about infection. Ugh good thing I love my arms!
Thank you and good luck to you
Wow, you still had things opening up at 4 weeks out? I am a day or two shy of 4 weeks out and thought that I was beyond the point of having to worry about this happening. My scars appear to be healing up well. Did you reach or stretch far that caused this to happen? I just want to know what activity to avoid so this doesn't happen to me. Do you wear a compression garment at all? Is there still a good deal of swelling that is happening?
Thank you so much for the information.
on 9/25/13 9:11 am
Mine opened at 2 weeks. I am pretty sure you are safe at 6 weeks out from opening up (thats what I was told be doctors on realself) but everyone is different if it looks good to you and you feel great then you are probably safe! I'm Jealous lol
I am not sure when mine opened it did not hurt or anything... I found out it was open in the shower. I did start pushing myself (reaching up and bending over, laying on my arm- just stupid stuff
No swelling or garments for me.