Approved for breast reduction but not the lift. Is there much of a difference?
on 9/14/13 2:32 pm
Approved for breast reduction but not the lift. Wondering what they will look like without getting the lift done. Will there be that much of a difference of just getting the reduction vs. getting both? My doctor said the out of pocket cost for the lift will be $6000-8000. I need to find another doctor for a consulation in the S. Seattle area if anyone knows of someone that would be great.
I would ask your ps which cut he plans on doing as I think there are three: lollypop, anchor (which I had) and I think another one.
My breasts were hanging pendulums and now they are half mangoes. I gave lots of scars and I scar ugly but no more musty fungii rash!
Mikimi in Israel
My email is [email protected] if you want to write and I can send you iPhone pics.
Go see Dr. Harris at Puget Sound Surgical Center, it's in Edmonds, I know it's not S. Seattle, but he's awesome. I was approved for breast reduction and he said when doing the breast reduction it's automatically a lift too. Haven't had it done yet, was just approved a couple of weeks ago and just had tummy tuck with him last week.
A breast reduction and a lift are the same operation essentially but just describe what you do with the excess tissue/skin. You can't charge for a "lift" if you're getting a breast reduction per se. Now if there's extra skin/fat on the lateral chest wall that he/she is talking about, they may quote you an extra cost for that, but there should be no charge for a lift if you're having a breast reduction
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