New to Board - Need opinions on Mexico??
Hello All,
This is my first time posting to this board so I feel obligated to do a quick intro!! My name is Cristy and I had a gastric sleeve surgery done back in November 2011. Morning of surgery I was 322# and I am currently maintaining about 202#, keep in mind that I'm 6'1"!! So I'm finally to a point where I have been giving PS a lot of thought. I'm 24 and would like to actually look 24, instead of having all of this hanging skin! I know that I would like to have a lower body lift, tummy tuck, inner thigh lift, arm lift, & breast augmentation.
So, that leads me to my major question of the day . . . for those of you who went to Mexico for surgery, will you share your stories with me? What surgeon you used? How much you could 'combine' at one time? Cost? If your surgeon had some sort of package as far as places to stay, post-op care, etc? Pictures??
I know from the financial standpoint that Mexico is really my only option since it all will be coming out of my pocket! So any information and advice that you can share would be very much appreciated!
Dr. Saucedo in Monterrey has a large following here on OH. Think there is even a board on here for him as well as a private group. Odds are somebody will point you to it.
Read your profile. I'm quite familiar with Abilene having gone to college there during the early years of the Reagan administration.
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
You can stay in the US and go to a residency program. They are affordable. I would choose that over Mexico in a heartbeat. Dr. LoMonaco on this forum posted a really good reply to this topic a few months back. You can probably do a search for it. I have heard so many horror stories of people coming back from surgeries done outside the US. Please consider this heavily.
Mexico is not for everyone, but after a ton of research, it was exactly right for me.
I chose Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, one because he has a ton of experience with formerly MO patients. I'd seen lots of his work. I also chose his practice cause, I wanted to do one surgery only. I went to several PS in the states and it would have taken me 18 months to have all the procedures and add six or so months on to that last surgery for recovery and I didn't want to wait two more years to heal and be better. Also, I'm single, in the US they often send the PS patient home before she can fend for herself. In MTY, a nurse visited me every morning in the nearby hotel and the doctor was there every evening. Also I was in the clinic for 6 days.
This is what I had done last December - UBL, LBL, arms, thighs, BL/BA that was on Tuesday and then on Friday I had some face and neck work done.
I had no issues with swelling. No complications. I was fine flying home after a total of two weeks there and fine on my own once I got home. I did take it easy for 6 weeks and enjoyed the drugs the doctor's prescribed, but probably didn't actually NEED them.
My body looks great - like I've been ironed. My body is better than it was when I was in high school.
Mexico isn't for everyone, but with all the research I did, and being the person I am, it was the best option for me.
Good luck.