Dr. Joseph F. Capella Interview: Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss
I just want to see you thrilled with your outcome. I look forward to seeing your new hot body.
As for losing weight after tt, I went in over 155lbs and they took off 6lbs that I never saw on the scale, I now weigh 127lbs 7 years later and still tight as ever. I refuse to do anything to stretch out my rock hard abs i.e. exercise.
Good luck.
I am going to ask him why I got skin laxity after losing on 12% of my body weight. I believe that he told me I could lose 20% and be ok. It makes me cautious about losing more weight in the future. I read somewhere that we do get some skin laxity and a not as tight as we were after surgery. Bt it sounds to me like you are. Would you say that is accurate?
geez, I hope that exercise does not ruin my body. I've been doing an ab circuit. Why do you say it would ruin your body? Exercise is supposed to make it better, right?
i read in another post of yours that you have panic disorder. What do you do to combat that? I went through a traumatic event a few months back and since then I have been having symptoms of lightheaded, shortness of breath, BP spikes. At first I thought it was panic attacks but now my doctor is sending me to an Endo to screen for some rare disease that has those same symptoms.
I posted the remainder of the interview today about affording plastic surgery after weight loss. That's me in the photo! http://www.healthcentral.com/obesity/c/276918/162895/capella -interview-surgery-8
I hope this helps some people!!!