Sitting, Laying Down and Traveling after Thigh Lift
I had to take a 1.5 hour drive after the surgery. I was pretty tired so I put the seat back down a little so that I could nod off. No real issues with the ride although I was still under the affects of the anesthesia. Spent most of the next few days at home - walking around as best I could. I sat most of the day - either in a living room chair or a dining room chair with arms. I needed the support of the arms to get out of the chairs. Not too much pain. My doc didn't pull things so tight that I was concerned about popping anything open. I had more pain from the lipo rather than the incision. I was told to resume normal activities as tolerated but no exercise. I slept in my own bed each night. Getting up got easier as the days went by. I had a compression garment on - not too much swelling so no need to really prop my legs up. Each day I got a little more mobile and a little less sore. Not really as bad as I had expected from what I had read on this board.
The morning after my surgery (tt, medial thigh lift, bl/ba I rode home 2.5 hours. I was told to take it easy...I had a lift chair which I think was very helpful. I didn't do much of anything but sit with ice on my body in my "old lady chair" and I took plenty of naps. :). I didn't lay down in my bed for a week. At 7 days I returned to the surgeon (2.5 hours each way) and then at about 10 days I got the seromas and was in the car every other day for a bit.
I didn't have sitting restrictions with this surgery but did inquire on having my thass (the spot where my ass touches the back of my thighs) done. I was told I wouldn't be able to sit for two weeks! I have since decided not to do that but to likely finish up with my back and call life good.