Your experience with medial thigh lift
I didn't have any issue with seromas. Actually one of my drains was in for about 4 weeks. The doctor has a process that can cause the drains to close up if he feels that the swelling has gone down enough. We had to do that to my right leg. He didn't think that would cause any additional issues for me and as usual he was right. As far as pain goes, I really didn't experience any along the incision. Most of my pain was due to the lipo that I had done and that only lasted for the first week or so. Once the bruising started to fade, so did the pain. I was using the pain meds for only a few days post op and that was mostly in the evening to help me sleep the full night through. He had me taking bromelein and arnica montana which both have something to do with bruising and swelling. I have also not experienced the lack of sensation in my legs. I have had several procedures over the past couple of years and I would have to say that I have other areas that are still somewhat numb but not my legs.
My PS recommended a vitamin pack from vitamedica - their recovery support program - although at the time it included the arnica montana. The packet came with instructions on when to start each item - I just followed those. I don't remember what started when but I do know that some started before surgery and some started the day after. I replaced my normal vitamin regimen with this packet for a month I think it lasted. Not sure if I started both the bromelein and arnica montana before or not. You can look up the vitamedica in a google search - for some reason I couldn't copy and paste the link.