Your experience with medial thigh lift
Hi there, I did a couple things:
1. Cardio
2. Crossfit and other strength training
3. Eating clean /Paleo
4. Bod Pod testing to track lean mass, body fat, etc. every 9-12 months
I work out 5-6 times per week. The strength training is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for burning fat.
In other news, I am scheduled for a thigh lift on August 2nd. My final consult/pre op visit is July 30. I am going back to the surgeon who did my LBL.
Congrats on the thigh lift!
i eat similar to PALEO... I eat dairy, so I am more primal. I am thinking about doing the whole 30 challenge. And I need to get off my ass more. I had a gym in my basement in NJ but have not yet set it up in my house in Indy. Excuses!
i am going to check out the bod pod. I had not heard of this. I once had a scale that measured body fat and before my WLS I was at 50%! Can you imagine that?
i like the interval training that mark sisson outlines in his 28 days total body transformation. I tend to walk sprint walk sprint. I want to try crew but I missed the sign up because I was recovering from my TT.
Mostly, I wasn't prepared for the loss of sensation. I had a tt at the same time and was prepared for it in the tummy but never considered between my legs. The back of my legs are still very numb...any touch to the area is either the "totally and completely numb" or a pain sensation. While it isn't the 'end all' I do miss the feeling there...
I also developed HUGE seromas (my drains fell out early) and that made walking uncomfortable for a bit. I had to travel 2.5 hours (each direction) to my PS every other day for a few weeks...He drained 300+ ccs each visit from each leg for a few weeks. However they did clear up and my results are nice...
Your questions: I really think right now I am happy with it...scar and all. No scar migration at this time but I did have the seromas. I look in the mirror and while they aren't perfect they do appear "normal" for my age and make my legs have a nice shape. I wore yoga pants the first several weeks...dresses and compression pants. I had thigh lift, extended tummy tuck, breast lift and breast augmentation all the same day.
I have pics in my profile but we have to be friends and I will have to send you the password.
I read your profile that you lost 160 lbs without surgery. Wow, woman, I don't know how you did it. Congratulations!!!
You have given me some good input to discuss with my surgeon. I never thought about the loss of sensation or painful sensation.
I am concerned because I now live out of state from my surgeon, like 700 miles away. If something should go wrong like a seroma or wound opening I would want to be treated by him. That really complicates things - not the least of which is affording to stay at a hotel for weeks on end.
Thanks so much for the willingness to share your photos.