4 weeks out from Abdominalplasty
Did you have lipo somewhere other than your abdo?
My guess is he tightened my muscles a lot because I lost 6" off my waist and have much greater restriction when eating. Just a guess though. And oh yeah, the pain, LOL.
i do not know if he used lipo to remove the fat in my abdo but I had no pain there. He told me the operation would have been virtually pain free without the plications.
I know but there is one thing I want because of sex appeal and that is my breast. I do have medical reasons too. They were very large before weight loss and hang very low now and when I run or walk or do arobic type bouncy work out I get sharp pains in my nipples, Even with a really tight bra. The Dr. said I have hyper extended nerve issues and need a reduction. It helps that they will be perky.
I hear you. My boobs are the least of my problem areas but the one that I am most excited about fixing. My surgeon said I need a lift but maybe I would not want implants. And I'm thinking, oh yes I do. And I have a very specific idea of what I want. As you said, it is such a part of a woman's sexual identity.
I saw that you were talking about the price of gauze. I started out using gauze and then because of the cost and having to change the dressing so often, I started using maxi pads. My binder held them in place and I used no tape. Just make sure that you get unscented and some that won't leave fibers in your wound. I used the generic Always.