lower body lift.... numbness/drains/ sleeping questions (Post op)
I had a lower body lift on Friday and I am finding that my back is extremely numb. Really my whole middle section is quite numb which I anticipated since they are cutting a lot of nerve endings... What I really want to know is did others find that their back was extremely numb? How long did it take for the sensation to come back?
Also, I have 4 drains in (2 in front and 2 on the sides)...the doc said once they put out less than 30cc in a 24 hour time period that they can be removed...I anticipate 1 will have about 15ccs and the other one may be pretty close to 30. I know for sure the one will be ok but what I worry about is the doc said drains could be in for 2 to 4 weeks depending...we are only going on to day 5! I don't have A follow up for 2 weeks with the surgeon but I have A nurse coming in every 2 to 3 days to change my dressings. She will be the one to pull my drains. do you think it's too early to be pulling any drains?
I also wonder about the different ways of sleeping. .I have been sleeping on my back. so far but I find I am able to sleep on my side for a little bit each night ...is it bad to sleep in my side at all this early out?
If anyone with experience with the lower body lit can provide some insight it would be greatly appreciated!
The numbness is normal. It's why the incision itself causes so little pain....it's all numb! I'm six months out and still have some numbness, particularly right below my belly button to the incision. You'll find sensation will slowly return. Then be prepared for the zingers as nerves reconnect. It's like little static charges. Doesn't hurt, but you really notice them.
Drains, I think my first one came out at a week, and the last two at three weeks. As annoying as they are, don't push to have them taken out too early. They're keeping fluid from building up.
I had my LBL and BL in November. My two drains got pulled at the 1st follow up visit (less than a week out) and the other two came out the following week. It really depends on output. I wasn't that "juicy".
As far as sleeping goes: I DID NOT like the recliner at all. Lasted 5 minutes in it. I did better propped in a semi sitting position surrounded by pillows on the couch (for sleeping). During the day I sat on the couch. I didn't return to the bed until week two, and then only on my back and propped in my semi-sitting position with lots of pillows....by the end of week two I could sort of roll to the side a bit as long as I had lots of pillows. I was never told to avoid any particular position, just do what was comfortable.
Numbness: I'm STILL pretty numb along the incision line, some areas more than others. I am also numb from my belly button down to the incision...that area is pretty numb. It can take up to a year to recover whatever feeling you are going to recover.
And be prepared.....you can experience random swelling for up to a year afterward too. I STILL swell after a heavy workout, but it isn't uncomfortable nor does it affect my clothing.........I just feel 'tight'..........