New to date July 11
on 6/15/13 6:58 am
Hi Kacey!
Welcome and best of luck to you on your journey. I'm currently recovering from a belt lipectomy and inner thigh lipo mysel*****hru the old posts on this site, I did that when I first started and found it to be invaluable. BTW, my starting weight before bypass was 272 and I had been stable in the mid 170s for a year. So I understand what you mean, this is where you are going to be. But... my doc did remove 13lbs of skin and fat, so once I stop swelling like a tick, I actually may see the low 160s-mid 150s.
You mention going back to work in 3-4 weeks. Do you do anything physical for your job? That may be too soon to return if you do. I have an office job and am able to work from home as needed, so I am going to start work again on Monday (had my sugery on June 5) but I can't imagine going into the office at this point. My stamina is low and I get tired if I walk or move around too much. You're timeline to go back is something you might want to talk to your PS about.
I am by no means an expert on anything, but I can share my experiences if you have any questions.
I've been pretty lucky. I've had minimal pain, my thighs actually hurt the most. They are very swollen. I'm wearing a binder, so my middle has some swelling, but not that bad yet.
I stayed overnight in the hospital and came home around 2:00 the next day. My blood pressure was really low, so I had some dizziness (even passed out once) but beyond that no issues except for constipation. A word of advice.... take your laxative right from the beginning. Being constipated after this surgery was more uncomfortable and painful than the surgey was.
My first few days were spent on the recliner, getting up as often as I could, but it was tough to get up, so that really only happened when I needed to pee. My hubby helped me to get up, I was able to brace myself with my arms to sit down. I didn't actually sleep all that much, watched a lot of TV (all caught up on my Tivo!) and spent some quality time bonding with my cats, who loved the new source of warm blankets to sleep on.
I get more mobile every day. After I had my pain pump and 2 drains removed this past Thursday, I saw a spike in my mobility. The drains can be tough to navigate with and painful if they get tugged. I went to a concert last night, had to sit thru most of it, but it was nice to get out. Today, I went grocery shopping (woo hoo!) with my hubby. Stamina is down, I get tired fast. Even walking slowly around the grocery store, I could feel myself getting tired. By the time I got home, I was tuckered. (I had very good stamina before, I have run 1/2 marathons and right now I am reduced to getting my butt kicked by a shopping trip).
Emotionally I have been good. I was thrilled to see my new body. Last night, I had a little melt down after the concert, which I chalk up to being very very tired, in pain from the binder pinching me thru out the night, my legs swelling like crazy and being painful, getting stuck in traffic so it took over 2 hours to get home. I started crying once I got home. I had just had enough. Plus, I am PMSing so insult to injury. My poor hubby. God love him, he just hugged me and patted my back.
10 days out and I can say it hasn't been as bad I expected to be (yet at least).
Hope that helps!
on 6/15/13 8:21 pm
I am thankful, believe me!!!
Ever since my surgery it has been painful when I overeat. I am not a clinician (my degree isn't even in science) but my guess is that the tightened muscles are pushing back against my pouch when I eat causing greater constriction. I am going to ask my PS when I see him next month.
My appetite was diminished dramtically a lot the first 8-9 days. It is increasing a little from that point, but it is not pre-LBL yet (thank God).
The 3 weeks before my surgery, I was very strict with myself from a food perspective. I know exactly what you mean, I had that lil devil on my shoulder saying that I should have lost more before doing this. I had a goal to get to 100lbs lost. It had been alluding me for over a year. I got close (like 0.2lbs) a few times only to bounce back. Also, I had hurt my back kickboxing a month before so my exercising was very limited. So I did it by cutting out all refined carbs and focused on getting in 120g of protein and lots of antioxidents (read: protein, veggies, fruit) Was very very strict about it and was able to lose 6lbs. So at the point of my LBL, I was 103 lbs down from highest. -- That felt great by the way. Knowing I "did" it. Small victories. I take 'em where ever I can get 'em. :-)
I saw a study about people who had tummy tucks having a diminished appetite and being able to maintain the weight loss. It talked about the phenonmena of removing the fat helping berceuse fat induces cortisol creation, so having less fat reduced the amount of cortisol. I don't know if it is true or not, but I'm definitely hoping so.