Swelling question again
on 6/6/13 3:11 pm
Yep, feels very much like pregnancy swelling & bloating to me, all the way down to my toes. The binder helps, and elevating my feet/legs when I lay. Im also drinking lots of fluids to keep it moving. Im almost 7 weeks out and still have a lot of swelling, especially at the end of the day.
Itching- Im living on Benadryl. Its the only thing that helps even the slightest. The itching is crazy! Mine is from a few places- the healing incisions, the open wounds, the areas of skin that are being pulled off from any tape or dressings I have to keep using, and deep inside from the butt autoaugmentation. Sometimes it takes everything I have not to scratch. Massage also seems to help a bit, just light circular pressure adjacent to the itchy areas.
Welcome to swell hell - week 3 is generally the worst for most patients. My swelling was all pooled into the center of my lower ab. I felt like I was carrying a bowling ball there. It was rather uncomfortable and I found that using the support garments like Flexes (I do not use compression garments) helped alot to relieve the discomfort. If it got really bad then I would wrap my hospital binder tight around the area. If you are like most patients, next week you will begin to feel much better. And at 6 weeks post op you will feel so much better.
I don't know about anyone else but my swelling last for a long time and I still get it sometimes when I bloat, the same full feeling like when you first have your tummy tuck. It is weird. I doubt seriously I could ever really stand to actually gain weight again as my muscles are tight and I think stretching them back out would hurt. I don't remember being pregnant, it was so long ago, but I definately know what swelling and tightness feels like. I would skip the lotions, you aren't supposed to put that stuff on new scars and if they itch you are allowed to slap the itch instead of itching it.