Feel Cheated and edema questions!!! Help!!
I presume he sacrificed your belly button to take more skin. We offer that on some panniculectomies as a way to get more skin, particularly if they've had prior surgery through the belly button or a hernia there (which predisposes the belly button to sloughing postoperatively). For most people it works out a lot better as you get a tremendous amount more skin off without making the patient pay more. 9+/10 people we offer that to choose to do it and are pretty happy.
blogging on all things plastic surgery at Plastic Surgery 101
I am so sorry you're going through this. I think once you're healed, you need to see a different surgeon, one with MUCH better communication. Mine went through every single detail with me and my daughter. He repeated several times, had it in writing with my quote, and his staff reapeated it several times as well. We're completely on the same page. He gave me every option and I got to choose what I wanted.
You may be able to take some legal action but I know nothing about that. The first priority is for you to heal and get better. You can deal with the results later. Breathe. All this stress will not help your healing. {HUGS}