another draining problem....
Has anyone else experience this?
Left message for dr to call me.
I would think that no drainage out of one of the drains means that a clot is clogging up the tube perhaps right under the skin. I would call the doc asap. If it can't drain, then it will build up inside and that is not a good thing. If the blood is solid in the bulb, it doesn't sound like it is the right consistency. While it could start out as a thicker consistency, it should fairly quickly turn to a watery consistency and the color should change to a light pink or even yellow. Your drains don't sound like they are making that transition - If I were you, I would call the doc quickly.
My first drain did something similar to yours. It quit working on the third morning after I had passed several clots. Call my PS to find out what to do. He said that it was not unusual and ask about the output of the second drain and I told him that one was working fine. It was putting out about 65 CC's every four hours. I went to see him the next day and he pulled the non functional drain out and left the other one in. It basically did the job for both drains. I had the second drain in for four weeks before the output was below 25 CC's.
Also big help is putting gas around tube coming out and under it. I taped it with bandaids to stay in place.
I see my doctor tomorrow I hope it will take atleast one out so I can finally sleep.