Staged Thighplasty - Healing time?
I am set to start a staged thighplasty, with lipo first, then a six month heal, folllowed by skin excision, six month heal.
Is this common? How long is the typical healing process?
Also, did anyone have home health aides during the healing process when moving around and wound care was difficult? Did insurance pay for the home health aides?
I already have prior authorization from my insurance for the surgery.
I didn't have a staged thighplasty just did it all in one shot. I was off from work for 10 days. It was a little tough getting back as the walking and getting in & out of my car was a little tough (had an SUV & I'm short) but at 3 weeks I was back to normal going out to the bar w/ my friend.
As for the home health aides, I kinda had one. My mom is a registered nurse and does home care so for every surgery she stayed with me. She didn't do anything w/ the wound care as those didn't have anything that I had to do to them. She was there just in case I needed something so basically did all the cooking, cleaning, taking the dog out. I wouldn't think that you need a professional but if you have a friend or family member that can be w/ you the first few days you should be fine.
Thanks! I'm sure the lipo phase won't be a big deal, and I was concerned about the long incisions, especially going up into the groin area. Another reason why I'm having the second phase, excision of skin, before winter up here, so I reduce the chance of slipping on ice, falling and ripping my incisions open.
You are the one with the sweat disorder HS and I think you had DS as your WLS ?
I read most every time I notice your posts.
In Israel in my continued consults towards my further pursuit of plastics,thighplasty is my next goal and I am on Appeal above my HMO.
The PS that did agree to do my Thighplasty said it would be lipo w/removal of at the most 1000cc from each leg and compression garment down to the knee. And after six months would be the second stage of the actual excess skin removal.
I have a pre-op for 2May and surgery the end of May-assuming I get approval and win the appeal.
Mikimi in Israel
Hi, Mikimi !
Yes I had the DS, but I'm stumped about the sweat disorder. Unless you're referring to the difficulty with my thigh skin, which in a way is perspiration related. It sloughs off and leaves a gummy residue. I do have SLE, also known as lupus, so that may be what you're terming as the sweat disorder.
It's taken me 6 months to get the insurance mess straightened out, so I'm a little more than six months behind schedule in getting this done.
The surgeon has the personality of a rock, but he's the only choice I have. The surgeons near the hospital where I had my surgery don't take insurance. I'm due for a surgeon visit next month (had to move it due to my uncle's passing two weeks ago), and I'll ask while I'm there if they know of any in the area that take insurance and what kind. I think I pretty much asked all of them I had contact numbers for, but I'm going to ask in person.
So glad to hear that things are moving along for you, although the health care system in Israel is so different from the US. It seems like it might be easier to get what you need, rather than having to jump through so many of the hoops that we have to here!
Keep me informed on how your thighplasty goes!
Israel health care is similar to NHS however there are still criteria to get thru and denials to deal with. Of course if one has money they can go private or combine the option of private with their HMO approval for partial pay but prove gives option if surgeon, place, and date of much earlier time slot.
But I don't have money (I get Disability) and need this Approval or no surgery.
I am just so thrilled for those-especially those with a real need for Plastics, can have their surgery and as such reading your frustration and struggles with the insurance, I am not jealous but happy for you.
I'm on disability, too. In fact, the DS and the loose skin removal is part of my strategy to get off of it and back to life. My health has improved a great deal since I lost the equivalent of two adults! it's not perfect, as I have an autoimmune disorder (Lupus) with fibromyalgia. I don't take long term prednisone, I only take it in a severe flare, so healing will not be affected by that. My main concern is getting my protein and ADEK's in and beefed up for the surgery, to promote healing. ADEK's and protein are really important for healing.
I have so much loose skin, thighplasty is a must for me. If I could get away with just lipo, I would certainly go that route.
From what I've read, it's easier to get the thigh lift with the tummy tuck, since the incisions are in the same region of the body. I'm sure you have a great surgeon though, and he/she will probably give you some recommendations on what to have when.
he said he doesn't like to do them at the same time because the scars are too close together and he's seen problems because of it. i guess i should say i'd be getting a horizontal cut along my bikini line not the vertical cut, so the scars will likely meet. the rest of my legs have great skin and muscle tone, but there are big fat deposits on my upper inner thighs so it's a pretty small area that needs to be worked on. but an area that looks awful unless i wear a loose dress or skirt