Panni surgery February 7

on 1/23/13 9:04 am - Toronto, Canada

Got the news today that my panni surgery is scheduled for February 7. I'm very excited and nervous. There will be a small amount of muscle tightening, but nothing compared to a full TT or fleur de lis. Any hints on pain meds, and aftercare? For those who just had panni, how long were your drains in for? I guess everyone is different, but I'd like to hear what others went through.


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 1/23/13 11:00 am - Canada

Hey Kelly, I had an extended TT fleur de lis and gave the girls a lift. Pain was controlled by Percs and t3.... Be very careful to keep the insides moving, this was something I messed up on and paid for it with 7 hours of hell... Restoralax is now my friend! Pain was bearable as long as I was on top of it. I needed help for the first week or so, to even pee... I had 2 drains one for 7 days and one for 10...that was because of the 7 hours of hell..they were awkward. I have a desk job which I was back to slowly after 2 weeks.  More tired than anything.


not sure about the panni but the swelling with the TT is the weirdest. Much more after exercise and long days. Sometimes it is just a random thing. Dr says up to a year like that.... I am 2.5 months out and doing all exercises, some modified as not to screw up the abs.

on 1/23/13 4:52 pm - Toronto, Canada
Thanks for the reply. Restoralax is my friend now, so I will keep on that daily for a bit, instead of "when needed". Thanks for that tip!

Ok a few questions.

Did you shave before?

How long before you could easily wash your hair? (I assume lifting your arms pulls on the belly). And how long until you showered again?

Doc said no an work for a good year! (Meaning crunches....which is fine, because she's good with Pilates to work on core after a slew months). Could you "feel" that you could do crunches though?

How much exercise can you do? I'm a runner and fix said by 8 weeks running again, but for how long did it take you to be able to go as long as you did pre-surgery?

Thanks in advance!!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 1/23/13 8:33 pm - Canada

No to shaving but I usually keep it trim, they did shave some, at some point? Lol

I had a shower day 3 even with drains as my incisions all had this sealed tape stuff ( that pulled my skin off) so I could. Fixed up this necklace to hang my drains on and hubby washed my hair, I would say a week before I could do it on my own.  I also had the girls lifted so it might be easier for you?

i am in full training mode for Mays Tough Mudder right now and did a good core workout the other night. I was not told a year, I was told 8 weeks.....I am not a "runner" but I go to the gym every day and participate in boot camp and play ringette 2xs a week. Just doing that again consistently this week. It has been harder to get back because the body does not always do what we like!




on 1/23/13 11:09 am

I had a full abdominoplasty (muscle tightening, new belly button, mons lifting, etc) about 10 months ago and did not have any drains.

As far as pain meds go, I had an "On-Q Pain Pump" inserted at the time of surgery -- and it lasted about 48 hours - and then I removed it (it is a very thin catheter that is placed into the incision - about 24 inches long, attached to a packet of anesthetic that slowly drips into the incision ---- and when the bag runs dry, you slowly pull out the catheter -- it is painless because you are numb, numb, numb ---I think I paid 150.00 for the pain pump -- totally worth it)

For oral meds, I was given Percocet -- and I took 1/2 doses most of the time.

I got a tip from my oral surgeon when I had my wisdom teeth out --  and that was to combine the pain meds (1/2 dose) with 1/2 dose of Benadryl ---- he told me that it would 'extend the benefit' of the pain med, aid me in sleeping and I would not have as many issues from the pain meds (they are constipating).

As far as aftercare, it helped to have a recliner to sleep in (I rented one for a month)

I placed things I needed at 'counter height' so I did not have to reach for anything.  I placed a small table near my chair -- with a basket for lip balm, remote controls, pain meds, ipod, knitting near-by --

I have a walking stick that I use for hiking -- I kept it near my chair and used it to help steady myself when I stood up for the first few days



on 1/23/13 4:55 pm - Toronto, Canada
Awesome tips!! Thanks! Things are a bit different here in Canada. I don't think I get the same pain pump option. I'll ask.
I will have homecare coming to me for about a week to change drains. Interesting that you didn't have drains! That's the first I've heard of someone with no drains! How are you feeling this far out about your choice and scarring and moving in general?

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 1/25/13 6:13 am
Good info! Thank you! I am getting lbl and fdl on 2/11 as an outpatient. I do expect to have several drains. A bit nervous. Is the on-q pain pump the same as exparel?
on 1/24/13 11:12 pm

I had the Fluer de lis.  Only pain was the 1st 3 days of trying to stand erect.  The pulling is pretty bad the 1st couple of days.  I pulled my own drains after about a week.  They gave me guidelines as to when I could pull them and I was collecting less than 20ML a day when I pulled them.  I have had chest reduction, Fleur de lis, arms, and thighs done.  Out of those the legs were the worse, arms were easy, chest not much pain at all, and tummy tuck was middle range for pain.

   >>>Approved!!! Surgery 10-19-09<<<
              Starting an improved new me

on 1/28/13 12:22 am - Las Cruces, NM

Had mine done January 7, 2013. 3 weeks post op. Went home with 2 drains. 1 out after 2 days and the other after 1 week. Percocet did the trick for pain, but I had to have someone with me. Was pretty out of it. Rented a recliner for the month and very happy I did so! Slept on it for the first two weeks! Now pain controlled by Tylenol.

Best of luck to you!!!!

Robin :  RNY: 06/03/2009  HW: 268  CW: 158  Panni: 01/07/2013

on 1/28/13 8:35 am - Toronto, Canada
Thanks! My surgery was moved up!! Lol I am 6 hours post-op. have been to the bathroom twice, and a walk around the block once. I haven't had pain med since the recovery room. Still don't feel I need any. I will take some, if needed. I won't play the hero lol. I have two drains. One on the left doesn't have much, the one on the right has been changed three times. More than anything, my back hurts from the binder.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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