Home from BR/BL

on 7/24/12 6:16 am
VSG on 03/19/12
 Still in a fair bit of pain but Vicodin is staying on top of it, for the most part.  My surgeon and his team were wonderful and all of my nurses were FABULOUS!  Unfortunately the hospital ran out of room and I had to spend the night in PACU which was not particuarly fun but the nurses did great.  I don't hurt as bad as I thought and I have much more range of motion. My left breast is much more tender than my right at the moment, who knows why.

They look pretty small but I'm happy as I asked him to go smaller since I exercise so much I thougth a smaller breast would make that easier.  Obviously I won't know the true size for a couple of weeks but I can't wait to remove my bandages on Thurs. to get a good look.  As long as you don't mind going to a teaching hospital I couldnt' recommend Georgetown U enough.  The whole office has been nothing but incredible.

HW: 270 SW: 234.4 CW: 135.0 1stGW:149 (GOAL MET)afreshstart-hreneeh.blogspot.com/
1st 5k: 5/12/12 44:55  PR 4miles: 12/31/2012 35:49

on 7/24/12 8:53 pm
Congrats! Speedy recovery! My arms and boob surgery is 8/29, but 8/1 is neck/face! Looking forward to recovery! I am having my surgery in Fredericksburg VA
Highest Weight: 265 lbs Pre-Op Weight: 249 lbs Surgery Weight: 238 lbs Current Weight: 124 lbs