What helped you most post recovery ?
What I've seen written are:
Extra protein from now until a couple weeks after.
Zinc for healing.
After: stool softener, wipes,extra pillows.
Drink, rest, pain meds, walk around as soon as possible.
There will be swelling and discomfort and pain in abdomen and back due to most likely being hunched over in the beginning.
Think of FLAT tummy and no flap-flap.
Mikimi in Israel
Extra protein from now until a couple weeks after.
Zinc for healing.
After: stool softener, wipes,extra pillows.
Drink, rest, pain meds, walk around as soon as possible.
There will be swelling and discomfort and pain in abdomen and back due to most likely being hunched over in the beginning.
Think of FLAT tummy and no flap-flap.
Mikimi in Israel
Make sure you have a good support person at home, you will need someone to help with everyday things like cooking, cleaning, helping you get in and out of the chair, walking with you, ect. Its a rough road for at least a week. I used a cain to help me get up and down and just extra support when I walked. Take your pain medication to keep ahead of the pain, get lots of sleep and drink protein drinks to aid in the healing, you wont have much of an appetite. Walk a little every day, it gets things moving and prevents blood clots. And yes take some type of stool softner, you wont be able to use your stomach muscles to help you go to the bathroom or even"pass gas" which is also important. I had to call into the doctors office 2 days after I was home because I had so much rumbleing in my stomach and theres no way to get it out. Walking helps. Good luck