Depression after TT

Debra Welker
on 4/30/12 9:08 pm - Kaukauna, WI
Anyone get depressed? my niece said when she had her TT last year she really was depressed and the nurse told her it was a side affect, I havent read anything about that. Today is my surgery and that would be the last thing I need.
on 4/30/12 9:37 pm - Senatobia, MS
No advice on depression but good luck today on your surgery.  I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery.


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

on 4/30/12 11:29 pm
good luck on your surgery! I didn't get depressed but I did have several tearful days and wonder what the heck did I do??  I think it was the combination of not feeling well, the anesthetic, and the pain meds.  It was a couple weeks before I felt like myself.  Just take each day at a time and keep your eye on the prize.  It is so worth it.

keep us posted on how you are doing.

My weight loss journey                                                    
MyLady Heidi
on 5/1/12 1:22 am
Hell no, I was thrilled, it was gone and flat and a f*cking miracle.  If I could of I would have jumped out of the recovery chair and started dancing.
on 5/1/12 1:51 am
 In 2009, I had my TT and had horrible depression. I was fine the first two weeks but then it hit me and I cried for weeks almost every day. It is normal. There have been a few here who have had it. When I have my revision with my thigh and LBL and face last May I had no depression! None at all! I hope you do fine! Many many do not have depression!

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

on 5/1/12 4:34 am - San Jose, CA
I don't know if I had so much depression but I had a lot of emotional turmoil! One minute I was so happy, and the next I was miserable!

I struggled with feeling as if my changes were too subtle.. like I wanted to look like a different person! But I was still me. I wanted everyone to notice and to get a lot of compliments, but that realistically would NOT have looked good or natural. I did get a good number but it didn't make me feel better. I felt the worse when people told me I looked the same or couldn't tell what I had done, and that was hard.

My nose wasn't small enough, my body was shaped weirdly, and having parts of my body look so much better made me feel strongly that I needed to get my thighs and arms and chin done right away, and made me feel so much worse about that. I seriously thought if I just fixed the worst of the problems I would feel so much better, but a lot of times I just fixate more on the other imperfections (perceived).

I struggled with fantasies of life being so much better after surgery and then the reality not matching up. I tried to not fantasize but I couldn't help it.. I spent so much money and had so much pain I wanted the fantasy.. felt I deserved it.

Instead between the weight loss, the surgeries and being single again and a ton of other major life changes, I have struggled with being very unhappy and lonely and isolated. All of the people in my life were mostly people I had common interests with.

I no longer want to eat out all the time and sit around watching movies, or sit around playing board games. I want to get out and go to the beach, go dancing, etc. I want to enjoy my new body and new energy levels.

I was sitting with a bunch of friends who are about as obese as I started ou****ching them eat both before and after a movie, and then all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks.

In that moment I realized how many friends I no longer can relate to, and in my head I lost them all in that moment. It's been very sad for me. I sat there fighting back tears, then the next 2 days I cried on and off. I struggle with the dramatic changes in my life, the attention from men that I both want and have a hard time with, etc.

Do any of these sound familiar or seem like they are contributing to your depression? If so you are not alone.

Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist VSG FAQsublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift

on 5/1/12 7:21 am - Aldie, VA
It breaks my heart how you feel, but it makes total sense to me.  I have not had ps yet, but I am planning for Nov of this year.  I also try to imagine myself after ps and I can't!  I still have in  my mind the person that started this weight loss journey.  I also think that I deserve it and that I am going to do whatever it takes to have ps.

I do not have many friends before or after my weight loss.  I am super friendly but I find that people around the area where work and live they keep most to themselves.  I personally love to get together with friends, go out for drinks, dancing etc.  I have a younger group of people, mostly single, that I go out with once in while and it is refreshing. It makes me feel young.  My husband is not the party type, but he is so supportive and has helped me a lot.  He agrees with me having ps.

I am hoping not to get depress after ps.  I have been taking depression medication for the last 8 years.  It will be so hard if I get depressed after accomplishing all my goals.  We humans are so complicated! Even knowing that I could get depressed I am not changing my mind of having ps done.

I hope that you can find your place very soon.  I am sure that you will make new friends, and may be some of your old friends can change too.  You are a great example to them.  Never give up!
on 5/1/12 7:27 am
From everything you have said, I would say that you are having a small identity crisis. This is very common after surgery to have thoughts of "I should feel different, life was supposed to be different", however, life is the same. You may not have some things in common with your heavy friends, but heavy friends can be very loving, forgiving, supportive and sweet, qualities that are not always easy to find nowadays. It is also very common to focus on the parts that we want to fix after our first or second plastic surgeries, we start to focus on the "other" things that we think you "have" to get fixed. This is part of that identity crisis. Asking oneself "where do I belong now, how do I make new friends, how can I be satisfied if there are other parts of me that need to be fixed", etc. You MUST accept yourself and your so called "faults". Remember in other countries, your percieved imperfections are not as noticed. Or, they are living in poverty and can not feed, cloth or take care of their children. We must put our percieved issue in perspective so that we can appropriately come to terms with how our body looks. However, even when doing this, this does not dismiss the fact that maybe some brief counseling will help you. You have gone through major life changes. After my bypass, I was devistated. I had an open bypass and had the staples going directly through the middle of my tummy and I said to myself "What have I done to myself'. This is very common after surgery.

Teresa Ph. D
on 5/1/12 5:33 am
I haven't had my procedures yet, but I am also concerned about this. My surgeon warned me that it is a VERY common issue. In fact, he said that close to 100% of his patients experience some level of depression during the recovery process. Given that I am totally dependent on daily exercise for stress relief, I am worried about how I will cope. What will I do without my endorphin rush???
on 5/6/12 11:52 pm
I wouldn't call what I experienced depression so much as a difficult time. The healing took longer than I anticipated (even though I felt great I had my last drain in for 4 weeks then suffered a horrible rash as an allergic reaction to my binder). I was pretty much house-bound for 7 weeks. It was really difficult missing out on activities and not being able to be active. I gained almost 10 pounds too from the fluid and sitting around eating for 7 weeks. Luckily, I have lost the weight. I don't know how you did after your WLS, but I did suffer a little sadness during that process too. Surgery is a big deal and altering your body is bound to produce some feelings. Now I can happily tell you after almost 9 weeks that I am THRILLED with my results. I am getting my breasts done in a few weeks as well and am just happy in general. But there is definitely an adjustment period and possibly a mourning period as you say good-bye to the old physical self and welcome the new and improved body. My advice if you do feel depressed is to accept your new reality, allow yourself some time to feel sad and be patient. You will start to feel better over time and you deserve to have a body you are happy with after all that you have been/are going through. Good luck!
Weight on Day of Surgery: 261lbs
Current Weight: 152
I am 5'3" and 29 years old. 
Tummy Tuck done on 3/6/12 w- Dr. Vincent DiNick
BL/BA done on 6/23/12 w-Dr. Vincent DiNick
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