Hey guys! Back from the dead. Long update

on 2/8/12 2:12 pm
 ...well, I wasn't dead, but close enough. 

I had pneumonia for 6 weeks. It was really awful and even worse was the depression that set in, because I convinced myself I'd never feel good again. So I pretty much played the part of a hermit crab and cut myself off from everyone and everything. Then when I got better, I felt guilty for neglecting all my friends and stayed cut off for a while. I'm now coming out of it and starting to feel good again. 

And I'm dating! OMG. I decided to just hop on the online dating bandwagon and I haven't looked back. Boy oh boy, it's been interesting. Last week was what I am now calling "shark week" because I had 5 dates in 5 days. Because why not? 2 of them were pretty horrible and awkward, I will give details later because in retrospect it's pretty hilarious, 2 were "eh you're nice but I could take you or leave you" and 1 was "oh wow, I can barely make eye contact because you're so smoking hot and how dare you be funny and intelligent too!" I've been on a second date with that one, and we're going out for Valentines Day. I can't think about it too much though because I psych myself out and start to hyperventilate, I haven't liked someone this much in a long time. I'm trying to play it cool. 

(I know this is not the dating messageboard but I don't care, I'm gonna spew all my relationship crap here anyway). 

And you know what's been the best thing I've done? I stopped drinking alcohol completely. While I was sick I of course wasn't drinking, and I found that after I was better, I didn't miss it. And I didn't miss being hung-over, or overeating because I was too drunk to control myself. It has been a bit of a challenge to carry this over into dating because some guys feel awkward on a date if they don't have a beer or wine in their hand, and people automatically want to 'grab a drink' for a first date. I had one guy flat out cancel a date when I told him I don't drink. (he was a bartender though so maybe it was super important to him?). I like keeping a clear head when I'm out with guys and it's easier to say "thanks but no thanks" in the end. Sure, sipping a root beer across from each other can seem a little juvenile but if they're cool they quickly get over it. 

And I've kept my weight down. To be honest, I lost too much weight. I got down to 144 and I looked like **** Having pneumonia will also do that to you but honestly, my face looked sunken-in, the bones in my shoulders and arms were sticking out, and I looked 'hungry' (as one friend put it). I managed to bring it up to 151 and I like how I look now. I'm a size 8. Finally!!! 

Oh what else what else... I am having a revision on my breasts probably in early March. I have capsular contracture in both breasts, and the left implant has slid halfway into my armpit so he's gonna shove it over and put a few stitches in. It's not a huge surgery, won't take long and I'm told the recovery is "a long weekend" (we'll see about that). I look pretty good in a bra and clothing, my breasts look normal. But after the bra comes off the lefty slides over and I have a noticeable dent in my cleavage. 

Tummy tuck has healed well! The belly button looks pretty gnarly but what can I expect, it split open and had to heal that way. In a year maybe I'll get a revision. I have quite a bit of numbness that I'm pretty sure will be permanent, about 2" in both directions along all the incision lines, but it's not bothersome and only feels weird when I concentrate on it. My belly is totally flat and I can even see my abs. The scars are starting to fade in places, I'm just past the 3 month mark so I think I'll see a lot of progress in the next few months. They're still very red but that's to be expected. 

I will actually go now and take a few pics in the bathroom so I can post them in my album and you can all see how I've healed. 

MIssed you guys!! 
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
on 2/8/12 2:29 pm - Israel
People will be so happy you returned!!!
Numbness is normal but dang my B*****es and I ain't got one!
Sorry for your illness and looong recovery buy glad to read you are so well on the mend on so many levels.
I'm hoping (I'm scheduled for boobs and scar revision) and am waiting to HMO approval.
Mikimi in Israel
Michelle E.
on 2/8/12 2:30 pm

I am delighted that you are back.. the dating scene sounds awesome! I will live vicariously through you.. Sorry to hear about the pnemonia.. happy you kicked it though.

Everyone will be so happy to hear about your update.. folks were getting concerned.

MyLady Heidi
on 2/8/12 2:32 pm
 Enjoy the dating and your new body.
on 2/8/12 8:20 pm
I'm not a big fan of drinking either. I will drink socially, occasionally, but it just doesn't do much for me and mentally I can't get past the empty calories. There is tons of drinking in my business environment and my social circle. I order a non-alcoholic beverage (even water ... gasp!) and keep it in my hand. People just assume I'm drinking alcohol. I get an occasional question, but most people don't notice. I have to admit, that I am a bad influence at parties. I will make drinks and shots for others. I will laugh at their stupid behavior. I will make sure they don't drink & drive. I will give them tylenol for the hangover I helped them with. I'm not the babysitter, but I still engage with everyone in a social way that doesn't require me to drink. DH likes having a designated driver. He doesn't usually over-indulge, but you can't be too safe when it comes to drinking and driving.

I'm glad you are feeling better. I hate being sick. I can't imagine struggling with it for six weeks.

Like Michelle, I love hearing your dating stories. I've been married my whole life (happily) and it is so interesting to date vicariously through others.

Amy Smith
on 2/8/12 11:17 pm
Welcome back!  Sorry the pneumonia was no fun, I am sure!  I'm so glad you are back and things are looking up!

I know I never had confidence to meet guys online b/c I was afraid we would hit it off, but then when they saw me they would be turned off when they see me.  Isn't it great to get some of that confidence the other girls have! 

Glad to hear things are giong well now.

I may have had a few extra potholes along the way, but the journey has been good!   

  • RNY- Christiana Institute of Advanced Surgery - Dr. Peters 8/09 
  • Medial Thigh lift & Brachioplasty - Dr. Macrea 7/2011  
  • LBL - Dr. Joseph Michaels (Sibley Memorial) 12/22/2011
  • Upper Body Lift with Mastoplexy - Dr. Joseph Michaels 12/20/2012


on 2/8/12 11:17 pm
 Great to see you...we have all missed hearing from you!  Glad u r feeling better.

I also love to hear the dating stories.....hope this new guy is a good one and worthy of you!

Glad u r back...

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 2/8/12 11:22 pm
I'm so sorry you had pneumonia!  I had it about six weeks after my RNY and it knocked me for a LOOP, really - I have never been that sick.  Glad you are better and enjoying the dating scene, the one guy in particular sounds fantastic.

I too am TRYING to not drink.  I am a big social drinker, and I always regret it.  Not so much calorie wise, because I budget for it, but because the day after I drink I never want to work out, I don't get much done, and feel generally like a slug, and it just isn't worth it.  Also, there have been occasions a few times where I eat more than I should AFTER drinking because I think I am hungry.  I'll be going out tonight for the second time in a drinking environment and not drinking.  Its hard, but I think its going to be worth it.

Hope your revisions turn out as you wish.  I mostly just read here because my connection at work is the pits and takes forever to post, but I did wonder where you were after your bad post surgery experience.  Glad you are ok.
on 2/9/12 12:41 am
Hi....while I have never read any of your posts, I really enjoyed reading this.  We had surgery around the time time.

It sounds like things are going well for you.  It also sounds like you are in a good place right now.  I've heard having pneumonia is tough.

I don't drink either...I have not touched a drink since 1981 when I abused drugs and alcohol.  So, I know what works for me, and that is ZERO tolerance in my body.  I have lived this way so long the thought of having a drink is what is abnormal for me.  Congratulations on knowing your limitations.

Nicole T.
on 2/9/12 12:45 am
wow you have been through ALOT! so glad you are finally getting back to normal. i was lurking and reading your story and was quite worried. glad to see you posting.
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