Breast implant question

on 2/4/12 2:34 am, edited 2/4/12 2:36 am - York, PA
Hello everyone,

I hope all is well!

So a question for those of you who have had breast implants put in... and I am sure this has been asked a million times.... but... Silicone or Saline? Which do you have? What has been your experience? Would you have chosen the other now that you have the one?

EDIT: Also pain pum***** pain pump? How was the pain for a b/l with implants?

on 2/4/12 6:10 am - grand rapids, MI
I have silicone and am completely happy. My surgeon doesn't even do saline . I have a friend who went w/ the saline and hers look and feel more fake than mine do (we've compared). Most people don't even know that I have implants they look so natural. Also they feel natural as different boyfriends have a hard time believing they are implants. Also had no pain pump. Didn't really have any discomfort or pain w/ my bl/ba (course I did have a thigh lift at the same time which was extremely painful)
Michelle E.
on 2/4/12 11:19 am
Saline for me... Mine were put in under muscle. I had BL & BA at the same time. Pain pump was for TT. I wouldnt do silicone.. it was never an option in my mind..
on 2/4/12 12:13 pm

Mine just went in last week - I had a BA/BL and went with silicone.  I looked at both and my PS does both but the silicone was a better fit/feel for me.  I really think it's a personal preference.

I didn't have a pain pump and seriously except for the ride home in the car my pain has been really minimal.  I was on just Tylenol by day 3.  There's some pressure and yes the inscisions are itchy and a bit sore but my RnY was actually much more painful.

Tummy tuck is next....I have to save my pennies!

Be the change you wish to see in the world
on 2/4/12 9:41 pm - MN
I went with saline.  My doctor does both and explained the $1000 cost difference in silicone being more expensive is due to the liability insurance.  I think both are safe, even though silicone has had alot of speculation about safety. 

Laura in Texas
on 2/4/12 10:16 pm
Do your research and do what you feel comfortable with. When I get implants, I will get silicone.


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Sue C
on 2/6/12 6:04 am - Fargo, ND
Mine are under the muscle silicone.  Saline feels very fakey.  Mine feel very natural.  No pain pump needed.

~ Sue ~


Maureen K.
on 2/7/12 9:28 pm
 I went with silicone gummy bears to be exact felt more natural to me had them under the muscle love them I think it is just a personal choice best wishes 

SW - 223  CW- 130 GW- 140  Start Sz 18 Current Sz 4 Ht. 5'6"
 BA- LBL/TT 11/3/09


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