Heard about cost for revisions...

on 2/3/12 12:32 pm - Bowie, MD
Got a call from my surgeon's surgical coordinator. She said that doc said he needs 3-1/2 hours for my revisions and that will run me $2300.00 for a surgical center vs. the hospital where I was originally. There are no surgeons fees for these procedures.

Here is my question for you all--My original surgery took 9 hours and the hospital fees in total were 4300.00. Does it sound odd at all that less than half the time at a surgery center costs over half of what the hospital fees for my entire original surgery did at the hospital? I guess when he said the cost would be negligable I didn't anticipate it being almost 2500 bucks. She did say this is only an estimate and it would be more exact after our preop appt, but regardless of what the bottom line is, I'm curious what you guys think of the cost she's given me vs. my original cost.



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RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane

                    ButterflyCenturyCard-5.gif picture by barbccrn


*6.5 lost preop

Michelle E.
on 2/3/12 1:27 pm
Hey Denise!!

I have heard the 2k range for revisions are for the anthesia (spelling).. I wouldnt mind 2k range if all the revisions you want are being done together and perfectly. Maybe she can throw in some botox or facial or lipo on the house.. How much more would it cost to have something else done at the same time.. like do you want your arms done or inner thighs?

I know I will probably need a revision too.. The thought of more pain or recovery time is out of the question for me right now..

Good luck with it all.. I commend you for getting the revision.. you are a brave woman!

on 2/3/12 1:35 pm - Alpharetta, GA
 My original facility fees were around $7000 and included 6 hours of OR time and an overnight stay in an abulatory surgical center. My revision was $2000 and included 2 hours of OR time at a cheaper facility in the area. 

Both the original surgery and revision ended up taking an additional hour each time. I am waiting to get those bills... likely another $2k on top of what I've paid so far. Damn.

When my surgeon asked if I would consider going back in for a revision so we could fix my poorly healing incisions and do a small areolar lift, she didn't discuss the facility fees at all. I knew she was not charging for her time and readily agreed to go back to the OR. Honestly, it didn't occur to me that it would be over $2k for such a "quick" operation. The office manager told me the numbers after I had mentally made up my mind that it was the best thing to do medically. I don't know that hearing the figure before discussing the operation would have changed my mind. I was in the OR for a revision 2 days later. 

Good luck!


on 2/4/12 4:00 am
 Hi Denise,

  If u r going to end up with the revisions that u want and to have things fixed that really bother u then I think the money is worth it.  You have already invested so much into this process.....and if a little more is going to make u happier than I say go for it.
   If u went back to the original place u had surgery would it be cheaper?.....might be worth asking....

Go with your gut...

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 2/4/12 4:28 am - phila., PA
Usually in a facility or hospital OR, you r charged per hour but there is an initial fee, say maybe 1000.00 initial fee and then 750 per hr, now the place where I went if the Dr. said it was 2 hrs then I paid for 2 if it went to 3 1/2 as it did I was not charged any additional fee, same as if it only took him an hr I probably wouldnt get a refund, I know when I did OR cheduling in the hospital we had a chart of how long IT SHOULD take for each procedure
on 2/4/12 4:39 am
 That stinks that it is more than you were anticipating!  I think that it will hopefully be well worth the money for you though.  You have already invested a good deal of $ into this process.  I think you will be happy to have all the revisions done.  Spending a little extra may help you really get the results you were looking for.

Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 2/5/12 11:53 am
Doesn't sound to bad to me but maybe you can ask for a itemized bill upfront for projected fees. But I wouldn't worry too much there is no doctors fees listed per say but I bet somewhere along the way he is going to make few ducketts.

Isn't that about what you get every month in Hotamony payment anyways? Must be nice to be a 1%er.

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