any fake "spanx" recommendations??
So my doc told me the other day to get some spanx...went to Nordstroms to try them on and find out what size I am. I bought a pair and then ordered 5 pair on a great price and I didn't want to wash everyday so thought I should buy alot. Wrong! I do not like them...not comfortable at all! When they arrive I am hoping I can return them. I remember several people mention different brands that they used...can you please tell me again what kind you use and where did you get them? I want them to go from the groin to under my boobs. I would love for them to clip at the bottom or somehow make it easier to go to the bathroom....and I would love for them to be more comfortable.
I got assets from target. Sister to spanx original and cheaper. Mine goes from under boobs to mid thigh. I also got a pair of the Capri style that goes up higher on my waist but not all the way to under my boobs. I LOVE them because they don't roll at the thigh. If you are only wanting groin like a bathing suit I can't speak to their comfort but target also has several body suit deals with the boobs (phone auto corrected boobs to hogs--go figure! Lol!) cut out so you can wear your own bra. I'm sure some of the other resident support garment pros will chime in!
I was at Target today and checked out the asset..didn't like them either. They are very similiar to the spanx..I think it is the material that they are made of that I don't like. I just miss my old undies!!...but want to follow doc's orders for the next month! I do like to wear my own bra with them.
Thanks for your tip.
Thanks for your tip.
He doesn't want me to have anything with elastic (like the top of undies) on my tummy for atleast another month. He wants something smooth and spanx..... He says the others might leave a mark. So between the spanx and the is not really comfortable but I can live with it for a month more. I was just hoping to find something that was still what he wanted but more comfortable.
im pretty clueless on this subject because i have not had surgery BUT i do however and have been wearing compression body suits for the last few years to keep all my flabby skin from looking gross in my clothes so i go from time to time and look for body suits that g from under my boobs to my ankles... i just did a quick google search and maybe this will help? -liposuction-compression-garments.aspx
Jessica -liposuction-compression-garments.aspx