Tax Time

on 1/24/12 9:08 am - Cary, NC
Have any of you or do any of you plan to try to write your surgery off (mine was the TT with muscle tightening ) as a medical deduction on your taxes?  I know cosmetic surgery is not an allowable deduction - but I think I can get a letter from the surgeon stating the surgery corrected years of back problems (have doctor's notes and testings on my back) - not just a "feel good, look better" surgery.

Just curious.  I know I should really consult with a CPA or tax advisor but was wondering your thoughts.

Thanks for you input.

I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  Charlie Brown
on 1/24/12 2:03 pm - AL
After all the rich politicians talking about how little they pay in taxes, I'm going to look for EVERY deduction I can pass off. If I get audited, I get audited. 
J G.
on 1/24/12 3:24 pm
Don't have an answer, but I was wondering which part of you back hurt and was most of the excessive weight in your panni or higher in the abdomen.  Most of my excess is above the belly and just recently I have begun getting back pain in the upper and mid back.  I'm wondering if this is the cause.  Thanks, Jenny
on 1/25/12 8:37 am - Cary, NC
My lower back hurt for years - I had nerve conduction studies, MRIs, physical therapy and steroid injections to no avail.  I swear since I had the anchor TT with muscle tightening my back has not hurt at all.  My abdominal muscles must have been in terrible shape.  And, I am sure, taking over 8 pounds of skin and fat off helped greatly, too.  My skin was below the belly, of course, but they tightened the muscles from my breasts down.  Worth every penny, even if I can't deduct it!!

I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  Charlie Brown
Don 1962
on 1/24/12 7:09 pm
It may take awhile but if you dig back to pages from previous years you'll find post asking this question.  Check with a full CPA not with a "box" preparer but as I seem to recall the answer is "yes" you can.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 1/24/12 9:33 pm
I am I have a letter from my P that my procedures were a functional medical neccesity and NOT ellective
on 1/25/12 8:54 am - Cary, NC
Thanks for the suggestion - I did find some threads back from March 2011.  Their conclusion was basically this:  obesity is a disease and the extra skin was a result of the treatment of obesity and would be considered reconstructive surgery rather than cosmetic surgery - just have a doctor's letter and everything you need to back up in case of an audit.  (These included CPA input, too.)

I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  Charlie Brown
on 1/25/12 7:22 am - Sacramento, CA
I claimed it on my taxes and got audited.  I got a letter from my doctor and wrote my own stating that it was reconstructive and not cosmetic.  They allowed me to claim it but it took awhile of going back and forth. 
on 1/25/12 8:34 am - Cary, NC
Thanks for all of your answers.  I very well may try it and if I get audited I will take my chances.

I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  Charlie Brown
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