Taking the plunge

on 1/10/12 3:07 am
I've been lurking on this board for several weeks.  You guys have been a wealth of information for me.  Reading about your experiences, positive and negative, has been wonderful for me.  Since I've gained so much from just lurking.  I thought I'd post and begin to share my PS experience. 

I'm scheduled for a LBL, BL, and bleth next week.  Monday is my pre-op and Thursday is my actual surgery.  After learning from this board, I have so many questions for my surgeon on Monday, but questions are a good thing.

At my consultation, my surgeon said I would be a good candidate for a LBL or a TT.  I've needed a TT since the birth of my 2nd child.  Add my obesity ... my former obesity to the mix and my belly is a stretch-marked mess.  Not to mention my butt and thighs, ugh!  I think I'd be disappointed with the results if we didn't go all the way around, so I opted for the LBL.  After WLS I think all of us can relate to wanting adjustments to our saggy breasts.  My face really started to show my wrinkles as I lost the fat.  I'm not mentally ready for a full face lift yet, but we are going to do something about my eyelids.  They are terribly hooded.  I never thought about losing eyelid fat. 

At this point, I'm excited and scared.  I'm taking huge gulps of air every time I think about spending this kind of money on myself.  I know I'm worth it and I'll be happy in the long run, but, gulp, that's a lot of money! 

I'm concerned about the recovery too.  I'm not baby about pain.  I don't know anyone personally who has had this kind of extensive plastic surgery.  I'm not 100% sure what to expect.  I'm planning on having a perfect recovery, but I know life rarely goes according to my plans and there is the potential for complications with this and every surgery.  I'm not caviler about being under  anesthesia for such a long time.  I have great support from my family and friends.  Fortunately the benefits of having the surgery are outweighing the risks and potential complications in my mind...today.   I'll probably get more apprehensive as the day gets closer. 

Thanks for sharing your journeys and letting me share mine.

on 1/10/12 4:44 am - AL
Hi Kay,

It sounds like you are emotionally ready for this surgery, and that you've considered all of the things that can happen. Since the majority of people do just fine recovering, I'm sure you'll also have an uneventful recovery. Let's hope and pray that's the way it goes for you, anyway. 

Like you, I am more worried about the recovery than the surgery itself. I guess we just have to keep reminding ourselves that pain is temporary and will leave us in short order. Then, we will hopefully have some wonderful results to enjoy.

I'll be thinking of you on your big day, and I'll be watching for a post from you telling us that you made it through alright. Best wishes!!

on 1/10/12 5:45 am
Thanks Lynn.  It is a big step for me!
Lee ~
on 1/10/12 4:47 am - CA
Welcome to the board Kay!   You won't be sorry about the LBL.  I haven't found that one to be a tough recovery, just kind of slow.  Get down and do as many crunches as you can between now and surgery if you're not already.  I did a year of pilates to strengthen my core and was glad I did when I had to go from laying flat to sitting up without the use of my thighs or arms.  I love my breast lift!  Have you looked at lots of pictures?  If you can take pics of breasts that you like for your surgeon to look at.  Ask to see the surgeons before and afters and point out what you like and didn't like.  My mark-up consult was three hours with over one hour devoted to looking at pics and discussing how I wanted my breasts to look.  He did a perfect job on me but I was specific about what shape I would be happy with.

I had a face/neck lift along with my eyes being done.  I wasn't pulled tight because I didn't want to be.  I had to have a fat transfer from my leg below the knee because I was just so gaunt and it made me look like I was 80.  So far so good with the fat transfer at one month post-op.

I'm very excited for you.  I've been watching your story unfold over on the LW board.  :)

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

on 1/10/12 5:28 am
Thanks, Lee.  I've been watching your story too. 

I've been looking a pictures like a crazy woman.  Good advice to bring them to the doctors office.  I have this vision in my mind's eye, but bringing actual pics to show the doc is a great idea.  I think I will need a little augmentation to get the fullness on the top that I want, but I don't think implants will be necessary. 

Thanks for your support!  It is good to have a familiar face there with me!

Lee ~
on 1/10/12 7:19 am - CA
At 61 I didn't want implants if it wasn't necessary to give me that upper fullness.  I was really clear that I wanted a full C and that's what I got.  It's possible to get what you want without implants, but be very specific.  I have a lot of fullness on top.  I didn't want the ski slope look.

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

Michelle E.
on 1/10/12 5:33 am


I think you'll do great! LBL & BL not so bad. I think for me the kicker was the lateral thigh lift w/ lipo.

I had BL/BA, TT, Lateral thigh lift with Lipo. My PS was harder than my C section and RNY recovery. Maybe cause I am older now? Or because the incisions are long?

For you, I think the recovery will be easier.. you wont have the weight of the implants and the lipo and the pulling on the outer thighs. Just take your medication, there is no reward for suffering through it.
Just know, when you're in the thick of it Day 1,2,3 ..by Day 5 you'll feel ALOT better. It seems like every couple of days or so, I am able to do more and feel better. .

You are worth every dime!.. I know it was hard for me to spend 18k on myself all at once.. but if I didnt do it this year, I was never gonna do it. I am not looking for perfection but just a remarkable improvement. Thus far, I think we have done that.


on 1/10/12 11:35 am
Drugs can be a wonderful thing! I want to stay ahead of the pain, so I will take your advice and keep on a schedule. My RNY recovery was amazingly easy. I hope this is the same.

I'm glad to see you are feeling better

Lisa D.
on 1/10/12 1:41 pm - New Orleans, LA
Welcome Kay,

   You are not the only one who got saggy lids after weight loss.  Kinda of surprising isn't it?  I am going to wait until my lids meet the criteria for my insurance to cover it.  All of my procedures so far have been out of pocket.  And big as I was I never had deep pockets.    I had the TT and brachio on Friday and I feel great.  No percocet since Sunday.   I have taken a flexeril tonite as I may have overdone since I feel so good but my lower back is aching from overcompensating for the incision up front.  I picked arms instead of boobs because I love to wear tanks or short sleeves and it is mighty warm in New Orleans.  If I win the powerball I will get boobs and thighs done and fix the eyes and neck.  I better get my ticket....drawing tomorrow!  I called last Thursday "Plasty Eve"  because I was as excited and happy as a kid on Christmas Eve!  Be happy and have a great recovery!
I am not big boned!  Bones don't jiggle!         
on 1/10/12 3:35 pm
 Congrats on your upcoming surgery Kay!

Don't worry too much about the pain, as long  as you stay on top of you pain pills you will won't have much at all. You might experience discomfort and annoyance from your garments and drains. It isnt the same thing as pain though.

As for the money, I am sure that we all have had similar thoughts before the surgery and sometimes during the earlier phases of recovery.  I sure did.  I worried about the money and felt abit guilty and selfish.  I don't feel that way anymore.  I think this is some of the best money I have ever spent.  

Good luck and keep us posted.
     HW-345,SW-300, CW-144lbs.  DS 5/11/10. 
     First round of plastics with Dr. LoMonaco 11/8/11  LBL, BL. 14lbs of skin removed.
     2nd round with Dr. LoMonaco 2/8/12 Brachioplasty, Thigh lift,  Breast Implants.
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