scar tissue from lap band and tummy tuck????
Hi, I am looking at getting a tummy tuck among other surgeries once I loose this last 20 pounds. I know I still have a while and will get more answers once I schedule a consultation, but was wondering...............
I have what I believe is scar tissue around where my lap band port is. Its hard to explain but I have a big swollen area where my port is. I have had it since my surgery (about a year and half ago) but it never really bothered me because I had so much fat there anyways. But now that I actually have a chance of getting a tummy tuck and possibly having a flat stomach I am wondering if my surgeon will be able to help in this area. It looks like I have a set of small boobs under my real boobs. When I pull my skin tight downwards to see what it might look like if I had a tummy tuck there is no real change. But when I pull my skin tight upwards there is improvement but I can still see a bulge. I havent really heard of this discussed much here but maybe thought someone might have some insight. Btw I plan on getting pretty much everything done from my thighs all the way up to my neck, Wanting to go to DR S. So my goal is to loose this last bit as soon as I can and get this ball rolling.
I have what I believe is scar tissue around where my lap band port is. Its hard to explain but I have a big swollen area where my port is. I have had it since my surgery (about a year and half ago) but it never really bothered me because I had so much fat there anyways. But now that I actually have a chance of getting a tummy tuck and possibly having a flat stomach I am wondering if my surgeon will be able to help in this area. It looks like I have a set of small boobs under my real boobs. When I pull my skin tight downwards to see what it might look like if I had a tummy tuck there is no real change. But when I pull my skin tight upwards there is improvement but I can still see a bulge. I havent really heard of this discussed much here but maybe thought someone might have some insight. Btw I plan on getting pretty much everything done from my thighs all the way up to my neck, Wanting to go to DR S. So my goal is to loose this last bit as soon as I can and get this ball rolling.
How much loose skin do you have? Depends on your amount I guess. Maybe look into a lower or upper body lift instead. With a tummy tuck, any repair or tightening done to the muscles is going to give you the desired appearance. In my case I had a TT with Muscle Repair. I still need a little more work but not a lower body lift for sure. Best of luck to you.
Hi Jen,
I can't help you from personal experience, but I did have a coworker who had what sounds very like what you describe. It ended up being sort of the mother of all scar tissue balls and had a pocket of infection in it. While she still had her band she had to go in and have it surgically removed and the infection cleaned out. It looked like she had a softball under her boob. She had no issues with it healing after, so I'm guessing yours could probably be taken care of during a TT. You might want to ask about additional cost, though.
I can't help you from personal experience, but I did have a coworker who had what sounds very like what you describe. It ended up being sort of the mother of all scar tissue balls and had a pocket of infection in it. While she still had her band she had to go in and have it surgically removed and the infection cleaned out. It looked like she had a softball under her boob. She had no issues with it healing after, so I'm guessing yours could probably be taken care of during a TT. You might want to ask about additional cost, though.
Thanks Lisa and Paul for your responses. I would say pretty much all of the skin that needs to be removed is all in the lower area,(below my belly button) its just this one large bulge above it. I am just glad to hear that hopefully it can be reduced. I sure hope its not infected. It hasnt ever given me any problems except its appearance, but I guess I dont know whats under it. I am sure you are also right that it would cost more to fix, but if I am going to spend my savings on these surgeries I might as well get the result I am looking for. Thanks again guys.
I also had a small lump there and it turned out to be a small hernia. Dr S said he sees this often with LapBanders. They have hernias near the port area. He is very careful and really doesn't like to move the port. You'll have to talk to him about it. Do you have a low profile port? I do not so now that I have no fat left on my tummy, the port is very noticeable!
Mention the lump to Dr S and see what he says.
Also, when I had my TT/Anchor cut done by Dr S - he removed all the excess skin on my tummy which caused all the LapBand scars to be removed! I no longer have any scars on my tummy! It's wonderful! Well, except for the TT scars, but none of those little ones!
Mention the lump to Dr S and see what he says.
Also, when I had my TT/Anchor cut done by Dr S - he removed all the excess skin on my tummy which caused all the LapBand scars to be removed! I no longer have any scars on my tummy! It's wonderful! Well, except for the TT scars, but none of those little ones!
12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand.