Begging for help
There are some residency programs in the states that have good reputations. A few here on OH have gone there and are happy, but I can't tell you if they do the body contour. That sounds like a newer and custom procedure that many doctors don't do. I would suggest sending a post asking about residency programs and then getting in touch with these doctors directly and asking them if they do this type of procedure. You may have to forego that procedure and go with the traditional LBL/TT and UBL/BL procedures. Just a thought.
12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand.
You certainly don't need to travel out of the country to central or south america for this type (major body lift/body contouring) of procedure as 1) there are a number of surgeons in TN who do this & 2) you do not want to be recovering from this type of procedure across the world from home as complications are frequent (even weeks post operatively) and you need to be where you can see your surgeon on short notice for evaluation.
I did parts of my training with Drs Mary Gingrass & Mindi Haws in Nashville ( and Pat Maxwell ( and I know they do a lot of post bariatric procedures of this type. Really good people! Tell them I referred you.
I did parts of my training with Drs Mary Gingrass & Mindi Haws in Nashville ( and Pat Maxwell ( and I know they do a lot of post bariatric procedures of this type. Really good people! Tell them I referred you.
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