48hrs post LBL & medial thigh lift (crescent cut)

on 12/9/11 7:47 pm
My P. S. Prescribed me an Emend 40mg pill to take 3hrs prior to surgery, the Anesthesiologist also put a Scop.Patch behind my ear. I also received Zofran during procedure. What a wonderful NO Nausea experience. I was in Operating room for 7 hrs. it seemed like 15 minutes. Discuss this stuff with your Doc and Anesthesiologist, if nausea has been a problem in the past. I have 2 drains only, one is putting out Apx. 100cc's the other about 30cc's. Anyone have this much difference in drain flow? Other than being pretty stiff all is very good. I also get to shower today 48hrs. post op.I didn't get a lift chair, my recliner is working good so far.

on 12/9/11 11:45 pm - Twinsburg, OH
glad to hear all is going so well. I hope it continues this way. For my upper body lift, my drains were very different in their outputs. They were all removed when they were putting out less than 30cc per day at around day 5. No problems at all with seromas and absolutely no complications.


on 12/9/11 11:54 pm
Thanks Kate, 5 days with drains, I would be a happy camper!!
Lisa D.
on 12/10/11 12:10 pm - New Orleans, LA
Glad to hear that you are having a smooth recovery.  Love the good news posts!  Zofran is good stuff.  A shower after only 48 hours is also a blessing considering that some posters have mentioned much longer waits until they could shower.
I am not big boned!  Bones don't jiggle!         
on 12/10/11 1:16 pm
Thanks Lisa, the anesthesia was a big concern. My Doc's jistened and made things very easy.
on 12/10/11 7:40 pm
hi, i will be going for the lbl as well as the thigh lift in january. Ive already had my upper body done, with little to no pain, but as i read about the thigh lift.. im getting a bit freaked out about the pain.. can u please give me some info on that?

God Bless..pay it foward..Christine

on 12/10/11 8:20 pm, edited 12/10/11 8:27 pm
Hi Christine, my thigh lift was at the very top in the groin crease. It is sometimes refered to as a mini or crescent cut. I didn't need the vertical incision to the knee. I'll be 72hrs post at 2pm today, I'm a little stiff from the incision and the LBL. I prepared for the worst about 2 weeks ago and accepted it would be a little tough. So far so good. The first 24 hrs you wonder what the heck did I just do LOL!!! The anesthesia going smooth was the biggest thing for me. The regiment I listed was wonderful. I think with the full thigh lift your incision line would take a while to heal, but after several days and reduced swelling all will be good. Let your determination over ride your apprehension. You are going to LOVE your results.
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