Three month post-op visit: lessons learned, regrets, & prices (Long post)
I feel as if I was prepared financially going in and post-op wise coming out this procedure, but wasn't ready homework wise leading up to the surgery. I wish I would have done more to research the different types of plastic surgeries & the surgeons that perform them. If any newbies are reading this do your research so you don't have regrets later like me. I realize everyone's outcome for this sort of thing is different and I did not have expectations going in, I like to consider myself humble hardworking and no better than the person next to me to keep things in perspective everyday.
Anywho leading up to all of this I had visited 4 different plastic surgeons in a years time, I picked the second one I went to right away & she submitted to insurance and I was heartbroken after it was denied. Nothing new about this come to find out but a year ago I didn't even know this part of OH was here as I had only used WLS forum. I had to get off my @ss after being denied the first time took me 5 months to do the next round. Saw a different plastic surgeon this time I had asked every surgeon this one included about LBL or the Fleur t lis but none wanted to do that surgery being a guy or the way I was built I don't know why they said I didn't need it so I settled on a Extended TT, Hernia repair & Gynecomastia. The morning of surgery they had another surgeon penciled in who I didn't know but worked at the same place as her. This was never discussed with me as he was brought on board to make it a shorter procedure, he has 30 years experience so why not? They did remove 15 lbs of skin, 13 on abdomen and 2 pounds from the chest. Did not keep belly button which I did not want anyway after Hernia repair, whole procedure was only 3 1/2 hours not bad right? Well fast forward 4-6 weeks swelling starts to go down (not counting the blood clot episode) it seems like the incisions are not symmetrical on each side. I'll say this now I am introvert by nature and do not like confrontation or asking somebody tough ?'s even when it's within my right after I paid for it. I bring the incision up to the PA and she said oh this happens blah blah I wasn't there give it time. I was never really crazy about my after care at this place as it was in and out long waiting time 45 minutes to see the surgeon or PA. Never did they ask me if I had a bowel movement, how was my pain mangement, was I eating ok etc. None of that transpired until after I ended up in hospital with blood clots, different story now.
I give them credit for visiting me everyday while I was up there, & they seemed a little nicer after this happened. HHMMM maybe there worried about something what could it be oh the L word, I'm not wired like that I'm just happy to be alive but I swear they are so much nicer to me now after the blood clots. On a side note about blood clots, know what I know now they normally have us or we quit taking aspiring etc 2 weeks before and after surgery so not to thin blood I was considered a 6 on 1-10 scale for chance of a blood clot. I was not given anything post-op for blood thinning, with that being said Vitamin K is what makes our blood clot. For anyone that doesn't know green leafy veggies have alot of vitamin K and should maybe be a voided a little around surgery time if you are a higher risk. GREEN TEA IS REALLY FRICKIN HIGH IN VITAMIN K!! I was drinking this stuff like there was no tomorrow, maybe 3-5 a day before surgery and AFTER not knowing what it might do. I drink the diet lipton or diet snapple teas, I possibly set myself up for failure with this one given I was already a higher risk for blood clots in the first place. I have yet to discuss this revelation with anyone other than gal who checks my INR every 2 weeks. I just figured this out about 3 weeks ago so now I need to keep drinking 2 a day as that is what my medication is adjusted too.
Back to plastics. Three months post-op not happy with results, my flanks or love handles are lopsided one is high and tight and the other is low and loppy. You can see in my pics what I am referring too, this drives me crazy maybe if it was a little I would be ok but it is enough to when I wear just underwear it feels funny, once I have pants on I'm ok though. Chest is really good, tummy is ok, but I think not getting the fleur t lis I literally have an extra set of saddle bags between my chest and love handles. This is GRAB-A-SLAB not pinch-a-inch. So I'm ready to tell her how I feel (sounds like a bad romance novel already) tell say shie is running late would I see one of the PA's RRRRRR ok. I had not seen this one before so I'll convey this to her, NOT FAIR she is cute as a button and 8 months pregnant. So I do my best to tell he ask her why is this like this or why did she do this like this then she's like OOHH. Huh? Sorry baby kicked, got distracted, continue. I surrender at this point, then when all my fight is gone guess who shows up? So I move forward like let's talk about next round of surgery. So I want some prices for Brachioplasty, Back Excision, Flankoplasty. Not wanting to tempt fate as she put it, let's not do all this at same time, ok I'm down with that. My arms are not horrible but why not, for a Brachioplasty & Back Excision (No Lipo) which she would start underneath arm and continue around back to just a little past shoulder blades was going to be $9000. (Mother Trucker say what?) This is with a discount for already being a patient and doing a second procedure at same time. Now to do the Love handles with a good amount of Lipo, and the area around my crotch (remember she did not want to do a LBL) starting in front of my hip bone on the side and going all the way around the back to the other side mind you, this was $8000 HUH! She added they should be able to get a good 5 pounds or more off no problem in this procedure alone. Pass the Ben & Jerry's I feel like a Chunkey Monkey Now! Let me go home and check the sofa I got $17,000 around her somewhere, maybe I will raid my dogs college fund.
I got by on my first surgery for $8500 which I thought was pretty good. I guess insurance picking up hernia repair paid for more than I though it did. I'm actually glad it happened this way now I know I can't afford anything for a while so I will enjoy the Ramen and Koolaid diet for now. I guess hind sight is 20/20, where are my Freakin glasses then. I will give it more time and we'll see where I'm at when I go back in a few months swelling wise. I don't think I could recomend her as a surgeon at this point, but me keeping an open mind is fading away. Note to self I don't think with this kind of life altering decison you can research it or your surgeons enough. Ask ?'s and if you don't like the answer ask another one. I'm going to get this tatooed on my arms and sides till I can afford to have it removed.
Rant Over Thanks,
WOW! Just WOW! I have been following your journey and you have been through a lot! I can't agree more when it comes to asking questions of your surgeon. Also, look at the before and after photo's they have. A lot of surgeons also have a list of patients who are willing to give recommendations and ask to call them. Do as much research as possible. It seems to me that your surgeon kinda half assed things. The price quoted for the brachio is insane to me. I was quoted at 5k and I live in California. Maybe they are trying to avoid doing more surgery on you because they screwed up so badly the 1st time???
I am just so sorry that you are going through this. I truly hope that your swelling goes down and you are happy with your results. You are much more patient than I would be! I would be having a major come to Jesus talk with the surgeon!
Research, ask questions and advocate for your self because no one else is going to. I was extremely lucky to have an awesome post WLS plastics specialist in my area who has done an amazing job taking my messed up stuff and making it look normal.
Best of luck to you!!!
You know what...I think we need a support group for folks not happy with the outcome of their surgeries. We can call it the COMPLAINERS (sound familiar?). Obviously I'd have to let you be the leader!
I'm still dreading having the "talk" with my surgeon. Mostly because I don't think that he can do anything to help my concerns without cutting on me again and I just don't think I can wrap my head around that, either financially or recovery-wise. I feel like every time I go under the knife I'm giving up a few more months (or more) of my life to feeling like hell (as she tries to ignore the iintermittent sharp stabbing pain in her left outer thigh). Maybe if I was younger. Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better that I won't ever be able to afford plastics again. Especially once you clean out my couch. Maybe we could go in together and get a group (groupon groupie) discount. If they can do bulk surgeons, we should be able to do bulk (not to be confused with bulky) patients.
Hang in there really have made a remarkable transformation even if you don't spend another cent on plastics.
Peace out...
Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
Too friggin weird lady, me and my sis are both off for a couple extra days so went to that restaurant I think I mentioned it before. (Dolce Cafe) And I had a Chicken with goat cheese and roasted red peppers panni sandwhich. (Great minds think or eat alike) No smoked gouda pasta but they had a Ultimate Mac & Cheese, one of the best I ever had.
More than likely I will not go back to her, I just wanted to use the opportunity to get an idea of price why I had the chance. Going to head down to goodwill to check there sofa's too. Not all consults are free in this town. Your agast? Is that your surgery doing it's job or just trying to keep up with your kids. I wasn't even aware she was going to bring in somebody else, I guess he bacame available last minute or something.
If I was to give my surgery a grade it would be a C not to bad not to great. I will do more research next time that is for sure and just concentrate on losing that last little bit a weight and paying down all this debt that I have.
I was thinking Whiners would be better as I realy like Cheese a whole lot & stuff. But Complainers it is I'll just keep *****in bout it till I accept it. I don't wanna be the leader I didn't make a dime on the last deal.
I think you look pretty good to me but I understand all to well how I think deep down I kind of want to be one of the beautiful people. Never happen but I'll throw some more money at it at some point and see what happens. Knowing what you spent I think your entitled to much more of a ***** session that me. Your only a year older than me don't worry about being younger RRRRR it's like I'm starting to care. Why I got to come clean out your couch don't you have people for that living in the pricey part of town that you do. Bulk plastic surgery now your talkin, hook up the fat sucker the holidays are right round the corner. If we can get a group to grip a coupon at groupon for groupies then we would have a gripe.
If I ever win the lotto, I'm headin to hollywood AKA plastic surgery capital of the world and not coming back till I get all my plastics done. Then I'll hire Triumph the insult comic dog to follow you around and make fun of you. I know it'll get a little better I look at my old photo's everyday to try and keep it in focus. Thanks.
Ice Ice Bubba Dun Dun Dun Dun Da Da Dun Dun
Complainers New Membership Chairman
Good luck handling your group of Whiners, I pray that I won't have to join! :)
HW: 249 SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011
Good call on the head pushing down the boob. I knew it would come in handy. Great minds do eat alike. That could TOTALLY be a restaurant slogan. I'm telling you, we've got a future in slogan, comedy, and sitcom writing.
I got lucky with all my consults being free. I have heard of them being 100 bucks or more. That is sort of suckish. They did say they'd put that toward the surgery if you chose them though. No couch change diggers in my employ. Due to said inflated cost of living, we barely have money to eat our smoked gouda, let alone pay employees. I would LOVE a cleaning lady. Despite my stay at home designation, I've never found my groove with the house. I do okay, but we definitely look lived it. It is tough with the kids--and the dogs little pukers, trash diggers and pee-ers on my carpet when it rains.
Speaking of employment--I got the dog walking job! I'm not sure how I'll like it when it is 20 degrees, but it has rained my first 3 days and I lived. One family is a 3 month old boxer pup-sooooo flippin' cute--and her 10 year old lab mix sister that I'll do 4x week. The other family has an 8 month old yellow lab 5x week. I'll be picking up a 1x week family with 4 huskies (wish me luck--keep an eye out in case I need to send up a flare!) and a 3x per week yorkie. It is relatively easy money considering I don't make squat, but it keeps me moving and keeps me out of trouble.
What kind of sleep aid did your doc give yo?. Mine gave me Trazadone and let me tell you, I thought I was going to have to call 911 the first time I took it because I was falling asleep in like 2 minutes. It works well though. Now if my old dog will stop waking me up 4x a night.
Thanks for the compliment. I do know that my body is vastly improved and need to do like you and revisit before and after photos to keep things in perspective. And if you win the lotto, I would sincerely apprecite your at least sending meto the plastic surgery capital of the world. I'll even take the nasty little insult dog--that way you won't actually have to talk to me anymore.
Well, I better run--I've got sweet potato surprise to whip up. Thankfully I don't have to host tomorrow . Nice to get to enjoy without all the work. Oh, and last bit of helpful advice--if the underwear bother you...think on it a minute--I'm sure you'll figure it out!!
Happy Thanksgiving Bubs!!
Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
I did have one consult that was free but the others were just a copay, so not terrible. You never found your groove I'm sorry to hear that. Stella did! But she ended up with Taye Diggs could've done better I thought. Your dogs are so trained yet they dig in trash and puke in house pee on carpet, who got who trained. If my dogs strat to bleh if I open back door quick enough they do it outside. They have never even sniffed the trash can I swear, but it's built like a tank. My little one held it 16 hours one time before the rain let up for her to pee hee hee ha ha. What my dogs lack in tricks they make up for in manners & laziness.
Congrats on dog walking job (poor puppies). You were out in the rain and you didn't melt? That hat you wear must be huge to cover your melon. It must have been made by the same place that used to make my shirts, Omaha Tent & Awning. Wow your getting paid and I'm volunteering for this S__t, something don't add up. If you send up a flare I'm assuming you mean your thowing stick with fire attached up in air, where it land you know not where. Four huskies hehehe you'll be up there to see Palin at the iditarod in no time. I'll see your lab & huskies and raise you a 110 pound pitbull! Arm was sewed back on succesfully thank you. If you don't make squat try standing up for yourself. Like I do at surgeons office

I though I was creepy internet guy, your creepin me out now, that's the same stuff I got just about 3-4 weeks ago. Fifty mg's right 1/2 to 1 at bedtime. It has taken 2-3 weeks for mine to start to kick in but I think it's starting to work. My old man bought me a space heater cuz I got coldest part of shoebox to live in. So I rearranged my room to give it some space, badumbdumber. With ceiling fan running not to bad so far but started on low will go from there hope this helps, after waking up several times with snotcicles.
I knew you were stringing me along women! Your after all my money! But I fooled you I don't have any HAHA, take that evil doer. If I win the big bucks of course I'll send you to Hollywood for surgery, I'll get you a giant check as big as your head so you don't feel insecure about yourself. Not talk to you are you kidding, Insults, dating advice, harrassment, group groupon groupies, and all for free. I'm not giving that up for nuttin! If you win the lotto I expect the same deal.
Sweet Potato surprise? Yeah they'll be surprised all right, I actually forgot where I was going with this one I'll have to get a map. You know I've been eyeballing that Leopard Print Thong now for a while from the Fat & Not Too Sexy Men's catalog. Maybe I'll put that order in this week OOOOHHHH you dirty so & so that's just wrong. Sure I'll end up with Frank & Beans reference rest of life on that one. (Something about Mary) I did get some new cologne this week called Repeller, I think it's for climbers and stuff I'll let you know how it works out.
Make sure nobody tries to cook your head by mistake tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving Denise!!!!!