on 11/13/11 5:47 am
Yep, that pretty much says it all. I am having an amazing recovery. sure I could find something to complain about but WHY!!

I had Anchor Cut Circumferential and Brachioplasty, 16.3 pounds removed, 7 drains, no pain, already had a couple nice bowel movements, husband gave me a shower today and I'm eating a chocolate chip cookie.. Yeah life is freaking good!!!

Just chillin in my recliner watching Golden Girls and geting ready for ANOTHER nap!!

Hope you are all having a fantastic day as well!!

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

NoMore B.
on 11/13/11 6:00 am
 Wow, 16 pounds removed in awesome.

Enjoy the downtime! 
on 11/13/11 6:24 am
Jujuvee, That's great!! Would you mind posting what you did, say 3-months pre-op or anything else that contributed to your recovery. Thanks
on 11/13/11 6:35 am
Well I realize it's still early and anything can happen but first and formost I have always had a cup half full kind of attitude.

Health wise being overweight was my only health issue. I exercise (jog) 3 times a week and stair climb 2 days a week. Drink lot's of water and  along with my regular vitamins I took extra vitamin c for the last 30 days.

The last month I wore compression socks that went up to me knees just to try and stay a step ahead of blood clots. None of this may really matter but I'm feeling really good and I'm taking this MOJO and hoping to hang on to it.. I'm no model and never going to have a perfect body but I am loving the new me, swelling, lumps, drain and all and I only have me to please in life so. WINNER

Sometimes if we think it's going to be a bad day... it is. So I'm waking up everyday with a positive attitude and thinking about the big picture.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 11/13/11 6:44 am
Oh, And lot's of protein before surgery and while I am recovering. Tuna, yogurts, cottage cheese, protein drinks, hard boiled eggs, lean meats. I even add protein powder to my puddings and oatmeal. I also read thst pineapple juice aids in healing so I am having a small glass every night before bed.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 11/13/11 6:57 am
I'm hoping that the time in the gym (weights and cardio) will payoff like yours. I'm eating lean and taking in a lot of protein. I think your post will help and encourage people to do everything they can and enhance their new bodies. Thanks for sharing what you did and are doing to get such great results.
on 11/13/11 7:37 am - Twinsburg, OH
So glad to hear you are doing well! 16.3!! Amazing!  You'll be even happier once the drains come out. not to mention how much easier showering will be.  I've been watching lots of HGTV!!


(deactivated member)
on 11/13/11 2:25 pm
Good for you hon glad you are doing well, enjoy your time off it will go fast as soon as your up and around doin stuff. 16.3 pounds is alot I'm sure your metabolism will kick in too and lose even more. They took off 13 on me and I'm down 25 total from when I went in day of surgery.

Be well
on 11/13/11 7:27 pm
I have not weighed yet and won't until about a month or so out. I do need to remember that I am still healing and just CHILL.

I'm Have been taking a pain pill every 6 hours and 2 at bedtime, Starting today I am going to skip the 6am and see how that goes, I mean if I'm taking 2 at midnight that should take me in to the noon hours. I'm just not sure when it's the right time to wean. Still taking antibiotics every 6 hours though.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 11/14/11 2:59 am - Fort Worth, TX
Good for you!!!!!!!

9/2008 - Sleeve - Lost 100 lbs!
9/2011 - Lower Body Lift - Lost 8 lbs of skin and fat!

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