Does this make me a vampire?

on 11/3/11 5:40 pm
It never ends. I'm checked into the hospital, with a big ol bag of blood hooked up to my arm.

I developed a severe headache about 3 days ago, and my blood pressure wasn't improving very much. They weren't sure why my headache wasn't going away. Well, when my condition continued to deteriorate and my surgeon FINALLY got around to ordering a simple blood test, they saw that I was slowly bleeding out, and had lost half my blood. I was breathing like a marathon runner even laying down, and I would've fit right in with the cast of Twilight, I was so pale. He immediately had me admitted to the hospital and I've been getting blood transfusions since. Hopefully this will make me feel a LOT better. He thinks the blood has been mostly lost via my drain, but they're gonna keep tabs on my blood count after this to see if there's internal stuff going on. He thought my drain output was serous (more clear fluid-y) but in reality it was pure blood. I told him it was bloody. Guess he didn't believe me.  I'm pissed because he KNEW I had a bleeding issue before this. He should have been on top of this crap. But we were complacent, we waited until I looked like I was on death's door before insisting on more treatment.

I'm finally feeling a little optimistic. Because now I know what the problem is. I know I can get treated for it. Hopefully by the time this bag of blood is done going into me my head will finally stop pounding so bad.

I'm gonna feel stupid later for not insisting on more aggressive care sooner. I already do. But right now I'm just grateful to be alive. With a diagnosis. I'm gonna rip my surgeon a new @**hole later.

As always, you guys are the best. I'm reluctant to share a lot of these problems with other people because I feel like they're not very sympathetic, since it was an elective surgery, one that I "really didn't need" (according to ppl who've seen me only with my clothes on). So it's really nice to have a place to go where I can get support and share everything, without bieng misunderstood.

Oh, and one of the nurse's aides is  a total hottie. His name is Howard. Doesn't seem like a 'hot guy' name but I stand corrected. I don't think "Hey baby wanna help me with my bedpan" is a very good pick-up line so maybe I'll come up with something better in the meantime.
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
Jody ***
on 11/3/11 10:08 pm - Brighton, MI
RNY on 10/21/08 with
Wow - very serious stuff!  And yes, you definiely need to rip him a new one.  I think they need to have that done, especially if they knew there were possible risks from previous surgeries. 

Hope you're feeling better soon!

HW-218/SW-208/CW-126/ Lowest Weight-121/Goal-125 - hit 8/23/09/Height-5'3"

Regain 30 lbs from 2012 to 2016 - got back on track and lost it.  Took 8 months. 
90+/- pounds lost      
BMI - 24 or so
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the Lightweights Board!

on 11/3/11 10:25 pm
Oh poor thing.  You have been through so much..I am glad that you are in the right place now and getting the right treatment.  Hopefully you will feel so much better after your transfusions.  They really do make people feel like new people!
Please keep us posted.  If I lived closer I would offer to come and help since I can't...sending you lots of good thoughts and hugs!  Please take care and get lots of rest.

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 11/3/11 10:52 pm - Manchester, MD
Oh My Goodness, Lizzy!  You have been through so much with this latest surgery.  I agree with you, I would totally "rip that surgeon a new one"!  He knew you had the bleeding disorder and should have been more aggressive in your treatment.  Thank goodness you are getting the proper treatment now.  Hopefully with the transfusion, you will start to feel much better :)

As far as the male nurse's aide named "Howard", I can tell that you still have your sense of humor!  I have always enjoyed reading your posts............well, obviously not the ones when you are having problems :(  I hope you feel better soon and can get on with your recovery.  Lots of well wishes and (((Big Hugs))) being sent your way :)

Oh, how about "Howie" instead of Howard?  LOL!

Take care!

on 11/3/11 10:53 pm - New Port Richey, FL

Love your sense of humor even during this trying time and I especially love that (hopefully) this will be it and you will be better soon............


Before/Current/DrGoal/MyGoal      279/183/175/155
on 11/4/11 12:14 am - Canada
Lee ~
on 11/4/11 1:10 am - CA
Lizzie, you go after that hottie nurse!  Anything to keep you occupied and in good humor.  I'm so sorry you're going through this latest bout of YUCK.  That surgeon really should have kept a much closer eye on you.  Don't beat up on yourself for not being more aggressive.  You weren't exactly able to stand up for yourself.  (no pun intended!)   :)

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

(deactivated member)
on 11/4/11 1:48 am
You rip away Lizzie, (no flatulence) just the surgeon. I'm surprised The Red Cross didn't show up at your door wanting a donation.

I'm sorry to hear your in the hosptial but sounds like your on the right track to getting better. I guess were on opposite ends of this now, you lost a bunch of blood and apperently I had to much so it stick together and gave me clots. We'll have to start a support group for post plastics blood disorders survivors or something.

Better hook-up with the nurses aid now, at some point he might be a RN and that's when the bucks start rollin in. You can always say HOWWE (Howard) doin to today like a play on his name. Or do the fake collapse thing in the hallway if at some point you go for walk. (Just tryin to help)

Hope you feel better soon so you can get out of there and go home.

Take care,
Cris M.
on 11/4/11 5:18 am - Glen Burnie, MD are in my prayers. (Howard is my brothers name...we call him howie) Good luck with the hot guy.   =)
on 11/4/11 6:32 am
Prayers and hugs sweetie.  You much have drawn the short straw for PS problems.  Hopefully, you'll be on the mend soon. 

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

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