Fleur de Lis TT in less than 12 hours!
Thank you for the complement Lizzy, appreciate you friending me. Here I go finishing last again (nice guy reference)
guess mom did something right. It's a little weird being only one of a couple guys on board regularly as the male plastics board hasn't seen a post in a couple months. But I'm really here for the support and information, I've been going to my bariatric support group meetings for 3 years now only missed a few meetings as I need this to help me keep weight off. I also serve on the Patient Advisory Board as well. I rode the hydrocondone train for 2-4 weeks tille the ultram took over, no high but It works on the pain. I hope it works for you as well.
Can't wait to go read Elvis post!
Glad your still here.

Can't wait to go read Elvis post!
Glad your still here.
Hi Lizzy!
I love your posts and and love that you're approaching all of this with your sense of humor intact! I think attitude plays a HUGE factor in healing and feeling good!
Best of luck to you and I'll say prayers for a safe recovery! I'll be stalking you, since I'm hoping to take the PS route next year! If you don't mind adding me as a friend, I'd love to see your before and afters!
I love your posts and and love that you're approaching all of this with your sense of humor intact! I think attitude plays a HUGE factor in healing and feeling good!
Best of luck to you and I'll say prayers for a safe recovery! I'll be stalking you, since I'm hoping to take the PS route next year! If you don't mind adding me as a friend, I'd love to see your before and afters!
Sending good vibes your way for a safe surgery and recovery!
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. " -- Anais Nin
Revised from Band to Bypass 10/26/09
High Wt 355/ Surgery Wt 343 (BMI 61) / Current Wt 190 on 3/17/12
TT/Fleur De Lis 8/22/11
Mastopexy and Brachioplasty 12/14/11
Revised from Band to Bypass 10/26/09
High Wt 355/ Surgery Wt 343 (BMI 61) / Current Wt 190 on 3/17/12
TT/Fleur De Lis 8/22/11
Mastopexy and Brachioplasty 12/14/11
Best wishes; you are going to be great! My surgery was 8 days ago and I'm feeling good! I wore spanx today instead of the binder. I'm finding myself actually wanting to clean my house (gasp) Don't worry I'm not letting myself but that's GOTTA be a good sign, right?
Keep picturing that flat tummy...make sure you get up and walk around as much as you can. Keep drinking water....and it'll be behind you before you know it. I'll send prayers your way....
Keep picturing that flat tummy...make sure you get up and walk around as much as you can. Keep drinking water....and it'll be behind you before you know it. I'll send prayers your way....
Hey Sweetie!!! I am so bummed I missed wishing you well before you went in. So I'll say I'm sure you've done great and I'll be praying for little pain, fast healing, and unobtrusive drains!! You are such a fun part of our little board here and I hope you are up to posting again soon. I know we are all dying to hear how everything goes.
Oh, and I LOVE my B-12 sublingual--I call it dessert and take it after all my other pills so I am left with that flavor in my mouth--weird? Then we will be weird together!! Now the fact that my B-12 measured off the chart high means I'll have to back off my little addiciton, but you are definitely not alone liking the taste of medicines!
Again, praying for you and sending warm thoughts your way!!
Oh, and I LOVE my B-12 sublingual--I call it dessert and take it after all my other pills so I am left with that flavor in my mouth--weird? Then we will be weird together!! Now the fact that my B-12 measured off the chart high means I'll have to back off my little addiciton, but you are definitely not alone liking the taste of medicines!
Again, praying for you and sending warm thoughts your way!!
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!