Drain, drain go away, come back...
Oink Oink piggy. Glad to see the diabetic coma has worn off & blood sugar is back under 1000. More than anything I'm just jealous, I love me some whole foooooods but dieting semi-hardcore right now to get my 300 lbs so a field trip there is out of the ? I did splurge for Halloween with a couple reeces pb cups & bowl of chili. The honey pb sounds different from what I get, you grind it fresh from a machine into a container (or directly into my gullet when no one is looking) Let me know how the cinnianominim pb tastes I may have to cave and go look for it. No smoked mozz boo is right but smoked gouda don't sound shabby either may have to ask for it. I'm thinking I may have to send you some of this cheese popcorn I speak so highly of, I have had the garretts that Opera likes from chicago and it's good but it can't hold a candle to Vic's here in Omaha. They have different locations but I know the gal who makes it on saturdays. She's also in my bariatric group but eating all the cheesecorn she has put back on a little weight. But death by cheesecorn would be a top of my list.
Last 1 1/2 we were bathing & grooming dogs ourselves to save some scratch, but got lazy this time & took big dog to groomer. He had never been to this place before but the little one had. My groomer does A1 job on these too and they look like puppies, they are so soft & fuzzy right now worth every penny we spent. I cannot keep my hands off of them, I'm worried K9 protective services will come take them away from me and put them in foster care. You fell for it again good job

Oooh Awww I feel another clot coming on. I really would have loved to buy my dad's Ford Lightning F150, it was surpercharged with nitrous oxide etc. Ran high 11's in 1/4 mile was a blast to drive, but me broke all time from going to message parlors trying to learn more better speeking. Actually one the big reasons for me to give up cable was so I would no****ch TV all day but 100 bucks a month for cable was getting a little steep.
Wow that's actually pretty a funny story about Monkey Wards, they had e-mail then. Are you sure you didn't carve messages into stone and send them back and forth on Carrier Pterodactlys.
Okay I won't call you soft, would you prefer fuzzy or Fozzzzzy Bear. Why do I always come here, I guess I'll never know. It's kind of like a torture to read the message board. Dumbdumbdumbdadadadada. I took some more measurements and the swelling is going down and I can't quite grab-a-slab in some places where I could before so I'm getting better with it. But everyone on the board has been great with there comments so feeling the lov has helped me put things into perspective about how far I have come and need to appreciate what I have right now. I think we do kind of have cut in the waist but this could be the first time I sort of have one so this is new for me. Your going hanggliding (I hate you right now) I'm jealous you worked up the nerve to go. Well I will have to sign up to go skydiving to help conquer my fear of heights. Make sure you get a good pic or video of you going AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH to post on board or youtube.
Ok in the spirit of plastics since I put myself out there. I will politely ask for the password for your pics, (No creepiness intended on my part) but if you say no I will totally understand.
Glad to see you didn't burn yourself when you won fire. That was your prize when you beat Grog in the showcase showdown on the Rock Is Right. (Don't be hatin on my mathmagician skills yo!)
Now that my boobs are gone, I think my manliness got a 50% bump as I finally figured out what football is about. Did you know they have sports for Women?
If I am cooking period it is not healthy when I do cook. My sister is know for her yummy cheese balls, (Ok that came out wierd) but she usually makes some around the holidays. But her masterpiece is Broccoli rice cheese casserole and mashed taters. She kept playing with both till she got it nailed and there both really freakin good. I will have to go back and get that sausage recipe you speak and make it, sounds really good.
Have a good one,
Funny, I had chili on Halloween and more Reese's than I care to admit that night and several days following. Reese's=Evil. So with the fresh ground PB do you add honey to it or does the machine do it? The cinnamon PB is good, but both it and the honey PB are grainy (see I feel like I've said this before--hmmm)
On the Opera front, my oldest asked me the other day if Oprah was a singer. I said no, that she was a talk show host. She then says, well then why is she named after those plays where they sing. Opera!!! Too freakin' funny. We had white cheddar popcorn at my daughter's birthday party last night. It sucked. Not even worth the calories. Guess Vic's is the way to go. I think Omaha is a bit of an excessive road trip for a tin of popcorn though--but maybe not to hear you tell it. Being in Omaha, do you get Omaha Steaks on the cheap? My in-laws give us a giant styrofoam cooler of that stuff every Christmas. Nothing like meat to say Merry Christmas!
Not sure Monkey Wards (we also affectionately called it that) had e-mail, but it was some sort of intramail. We let the pterodactyls go back in '91. Grog was upset with me that I fired them, but I told him that my carpal tunnel was acting up and the carving into boulders was putting a crimp in my mad breakdancing skills. Yet again, I know I talked about Grog, but I guess it was just in passing to tell you I found the Rock is Right reference to be quite the folly.
I want your sister's cheese balls (equally weird sounding) and broccoli casserole recipe. Tired of taking the same things to holiday functions.
Glad your swelling is going down. All these recent threads about swelling has me feeling puffy. Funny, I really hadn't noticed any significant swelling in my stomach, then last night I noticed the upper part of my stomach was a bit puffy. WTH??? Then one person said swelling can last 8 months? Despite the intensive amount of research I did, I really didn't think we'd be healing eternally. Oh well, what's a little swelling compared to the hugeness with which we once lived.
I'm going to take a nap. Was up super late for Alison's birthday sleepover. I had no idea how long 10 year olds could stay awake! Guess licking the icing off 3 cupcakes each helped keep them energized!
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
This just gets weirder all the time reeses is my favorite with snickers right behind (it was hard not naming my dogs after food) and the fact you had chili to. I think sometime long ago about Grog's time we each got the same little piece of DNA that makes it strange we have this mu*****ommon. The PB is just honey roasted peanuts, you hit the swtich to grind it right there and put it into a container and write on it with a grease pencil. Whole paycheck has it in there Bin section with the other nuts (that's you) and grains, flurs stuff like that you buy by the pound.
What your daughter said is cute, probably the funniest thing I heard a kid say was when I was working the produce department at Albertsons and a little girl about 5 or so came up and looked at the sign and said mommy what's ASSPURAGUS. I had to go to the backroom and laugh my ass off it was so cute I was almost in tears. It's nothing to get omaha steaks cheap here, they always hire holiday and some people work there just to get the discount like 70% off for employees. One guy at work does it and he loads up 2 monster freezers every year and he makes it last all year for him and his kids.
Glad you have gotten so much fun out of Grog, it's time to let cat out of bag. Don't know if you'll boo me over this one or just laugh about it even more. Goto you tube and type in exactly like I have it here and let me know what you think (madtv price is right 1134 bc)
I often get funny looks when I tell people my sister has the cheesiest balls in town, don't understand it at all. Swelling swelling swelling isn't that special, the holidays they are a comein. Buckle up, hold on, and pass the salt lick I'm ready freddy. I did not know hugeness was a word or a new reference about your head I can use Thanks.
And the strange get stranger, just a coincindent probably but before I lived with my seester I moved in with a buddy when I first left home for a few years, then his girlfriend got pregnant she moved in. They named here allison, I was creepy uncle bubba who lived in the basement. Only kids I have been around and watched grow up, spoiled brats wow I have got a hundred stories about that family. Feel bad haven't had any contact with them since I bought my house 7 years ago, good friends though they haven't seen the new me. But looked him on this thing they call facebook, he has 4 daughters and now divorced and remarried and found out his dad died a month ago now I feel bad. But I will maybe holler at him next year, this guy was/is wittier than the 2 of us combined easy. I always felt like he crapped on me made fun of me fat jokes but when I look back like I do often now, he was about best friend I ever had, More on that later.
Me need nap now,
Ahhhh, so it is honey roasted peanuts--duh to me! I was picturing you there like some crack house junkie cooking up your own concotion with real honey and nut blend. That followed by your head flopped open like a Pez dispenser sucking down the goods. Grease pencil--takes me back to my thrift shop days. ASSpuragus is one of my favorites--makes your pee smell funny though. Now I'm craving that freaking food bar at Whole Paycheck!!! I may just make my way there for lunch tomorrow. Not much on the schedule so I could hit there and the Amish Market. LOVE the amish market. They have tons and tons of awesome salads, deli stuff, beautiful meat section and every kind of candy and baked good you could ever want. Do you have Aldi's out your way?
So you don't limit your line stealing to just me--you steal from Grog too!! That was funny as hell. Glad you let the cat out of the bag--the dog was wondering what that crinkling sound was. I about stroked out when they revealed the fire prize!! Me no know what wheel do.
Sad about your friend's dad. Wittier than us both combined? Do you think he sits around insulting himself then coming back with witty responses? Why are you waiting until next year to contact him? Is your social calendar full of dog poop pickin' and support group groupies?
My caps are getting their butts handed to them. Saw your cornholers beat the Penn State pervs. Ooh, a fight!! Gloves off and they are hammering eacho ther. Pretty much how I picture it to be if we were to ever meet!! LOL!
Well, good luck at your doc appt. Be sure to let me know what they say. Oh, how is your eating going in your quest for 240? My eating has been a bit better, but I eat my face off (not that is not an improvment!) at night. I've always been a late night eater, but this is ridiculous. I can take down a bowl of cereal and a bagel and still want more. Carbs are the enemy for sure. Then of course there are some times I can barely get down 1/2 a chicken breast. Weird.
Okay, have a good night!
Niecie (there, that is about as close to getting me back as you're gonna get!!)
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
Some people just burn it off no matter what they eat. But look at some people skinny as a rail and they still have health issues. My 1st cousin had a heart attack this last weekend, she is doing fine just scary with everything that's happened this year in my family. She is only 45 but 100 lbs overweight smoked all her life stressful job etc. Weird thing is I ran into her at walgreens 2 months ago when I went to visit my dad at hospital after he had his heart attack. I gave her the 3rd degree about her weight and told her you ever want a solution to what ails you give me a call I'll hook you up yo! I maybe see her once a year if that so kind of ironic I saw her when I did.
That stuff was funny, but why you gotta be crackin on my n__s. (Sorry couldn't help it) Went to whole paycheck this morning got some cookies and popcorn, HPB just good for me food. Amazing how much we still love food after all we have been through, but if it didn't taste so good it wouldn't be a challenge. I wouldn't mind going to the Amana colonies in Iowa maybe they have something similar but it's a couple hours away. The PA dutch Market does look really good (Creepy internet guy at work here) check for a groupon at the next barn raisin.
I have an Aldi's about 5-6 minutes from my house now. I've been there have no desire to go back I'm not that poor yet. Not exactly where I thought I would find Krakus Polish Ham either so I'll pass. Do you have a Trader Joe's out there?
I think kitty was starting to suffocate, I got a lot of mileage out of that one. I miss Inliving Color & Mad TV, and old SNL.
Believe me when I tell you he could hand both of us beatdown. Best joke my buddy ever told me: Do you know why so many immigrants are named TONY? Because when they were loading them on the boats for America they stamped (To New York) on their foreheads. I miss that A-hole, he did just get married and the holidays without his dad now and visiting his kids I will wait till after first of the year to get a hold of him. He's probably busy with his own group gropin groupies.
Cornholers is right after this last weekend, but a true fan takes good with the bad. Funny that thing with Penn State the timing anyways. The new job I got at work about 1 1/2 years ago, the guy who previously had the job just up and quit no notice no nothing. Good for me, anyways a rumor was going around work about him so I googled it. Sure enough convicted of 3rd degree sexual assault of a minor, had his pic address and everything right there. Just creepy, his middle name is Alvin to boot.
I'll probably post a thread later today about my visit on mianboard. It's more like I'm on a quest to eat right now with 255 on the horizon. A whole bowl of cereal and bagel and want more. That ain't nothing, I can still stampede a herd of cattle just by walking by when they pick up my scent.(door's wide open here)
Okay Oinkasaurus have a good one,
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
CW= 145 ***GOAL REACHED on Christmas Day 2010****
5'6" BMI= 23
LapBand 3/2006 to Revision DS 12/2009
Get the FACTS about the Duodenal Switch at www.DSFACTS.com or http://www.duodenalswitch.com/
Extended Tummy Tuck, BL/BA scheduled for 11/18/11 Dr. Larry Lickstein
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!