Drain, drain go away, come back...
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
You are recovering right now, so I'll be looking forward to your update!!
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
Half Marathons: Napa: 7/18/10 (4:11:21) 7/17/11 (3:30:58) 7/15/12 (3:13:11.5)
SJ Rock and Roll: 10/2/10 (3:58:22) Run Surf City: 2/6/11 (3:19:54)
Diva: 5/6/12 (3:35:00)
HW/SW/CW 349/326/176
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
Have a good weekend.
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
Glad you are doing so well!
Half Marathons: Napa: 7/18/10 (4:11:21) 7/17/11 (3:30:58) 7/15/12 (3:13:11.5)
SJ Rock and Roll: 10/2/10 (3:58:22) Run Surf City: 2/6/11 (3:19:54)
Diva: 5/6/12 (3:35:00)
HW/SW/CW 349/326/176
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
Maybe we can have an IPO on Wall ST. and make some money on the newbies just coming into this. I had my Bariatric support group last night and talked to a gal in my group who had plastics and she started out with 7 drains and finally had last one removed a little after 7 weeks, I think she beat us drains down.
She also told me she had gained 30 lbs back after plastics, I looked at her and said WHERE? You always look like a million dollars, (awkward elevator pause) I was going to ask you for a loan. Badumbadumdumber. HeHe I might be dangerous if I ever get any real confidence.
Look I have an avatar, movin on up like George & Weiseee. I think she was asmatic that whre she got her name or something.
An avatar!!!! I hate to admit this, but I saw the avatar and didn't look at the name. Thought we had a new friend. Then as I was reading it I was like, "Man, this person writes like my buddy Bubba!" and then I check and BAM (Emeril style please)--it IS my buddy Bubba!!! Scares me only slightly that I know your writing well enough to figure out who you are!!! Those puppies are freakin' adorable. I don't see a lot of Chow though. Perhaps if it was eating a pit bull in the pic that would help me see it!
Weird--I sing a seriously vicious version of the the theme song--"Fish don't fry in the kitchen, beans don't burn on the grill, took a whole lotta try-in, a justa to git up that hillll! Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me baby, ain't nothin' wrong with that!" Told ya! Someone get that lady an inhaler!!
Have a super duper weekend!!! I'm going to go party it up with my buddy Cleopatra Nik from the RNY board at her holiday tasting--check out bariatric foodie blog when you get a chance. She is truly a champion for the weight loss surgery community. I'm going to be working the tasting with her and selling my StickToIt! Planners. There is space on the customizable magnets for Stouffer's meals--just sayin'!!
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
I know my dogs are adorable that is why I got them, the one on the right is the little corgi-chow mix I speak so highly of. Goto dogbreedinfo.com and look up Cardigan Welsh Corgi, then look up Chow Chow. She may look mostly corgi but her mannerisms scream 90% chow, she is not weary of strangers though as she loves people and does not guard us at all. Someone could break into my house and they would be happy to see them. I actually got off work early one day came home about 4:00 am parked on street came in through front door to see what they would do. No bark no nothing just tails wags couple of sniffs back to bed they went, some guard dogs.
Kindog combining 2 posts here work with me a little. Sounds like you had a great 40th party, 300 bucks for raw fish makes me squirm. Sorry I don't like sea food at all unless it is SEE FOOD diet. (Had to go old school) never have liked sea food period, I will eat tuna salad sandwhich once in awhile but that's it. Don't have any plans for 40th yet but I have the week leading up to christmas off so I might come up with something. Don't worry I will talk plenty of guano about you, around you and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those nosy kids and that pesky dog.
If I would have made better choices in life I would maybe have stang still, but I'm rockin the kia sorento these days as I always had big truck cause I would fit better. Needed some gas mileage though but miss the hot rod for sure. Dowry i think you me DOWNY it is fabric softener genious. I don't have any other siblings, my folks could barely afford to feed the both of us as it was.
Afflication??? (Afflac)
Someone get me some ear plugs! Vicious you say, more like disturbing the peace, did the dogs howl or runaway over to grandma's. Did love that show though, as well as good times & what's happening.
You gave me another complement (thank you) you should be careful your gettin soft skinny. I don't think I was an honors anything, had about 1 year at local community college but had to give it up as I almost died from lead poisoning falling asleep typing with pencil in mouth on keyboard. It was a #2 pencil that why I got potty mouth and it was so toxic. Badumdumber thank you I'll be here all week. What exactly is a hot minute? Is that like a New York minute or a new feature on microwaves for cooking food faster. It really is fun using 50 cent words isn't it. I like dumbing myself down with common street people for laugh and giggle. Message boards are even more fun, I feel like a Witty McWitterton.
I don't work-out at this time, don't know if I ever will again. I have in the past and enjoyed it at times but, to me that is one of those things if you do it, it is because you want to do it. I have no such desire, but I want to go walk dogs at the local shelter. I think working out is great excercise but I would like to get some sort of social life and hobby first going before I devote time, effort & money to that. (Yes I know there are women at the gym, but then I might have to talk them)

For the record I am only at 249 right now I still have 9 lbs to go to reach my personal goal weight. I was thinking of buying 300 cookies and taking them into work and trying to eat them all myself as a treat. I know the whole rant thing seems a little out of place for me but I'm not entirely thrilled with my plastic surgery at this point. I'm trying to withhold judgement till more swelling goes down but my sides or saddle bags are lopsided and it feels like I don't have a true waistline. As if being symmetrical should be hard to do for 8 grand, but hopefully in day or 2 I will get pics up and you can see what I'm talking about. I did take photos already and as soon my sis helps me I'll get them up. I'm trying to keep things in perspective like how far I have come, I was still heavy going into plastic surgery, hernia repair other factors. Functionally wise life is much better, but do I like what I see H___ NO! Maybe I should have paid more money different surgeon blah blah blah. Learning to cope, had a good talk with bariatric nurse other night at support meeting and she has had both surgeries like us. She help put it into focus for me maybe I need multiple surgeries to get desired results don't know will talk to her on the 18th next month at 12 week but will be nice about. Just don't feel I got my money's worth at this point. (Ok breathe now)
My nebraska cornhuskers won this weekend, big game against Michigan St. Just trying to keep you in loop they beat a good team just don't know if we deserve #9 ranking? Also kind of weird you had your drain pulled on 41st day and I had mine pulled on 40th day, like our birthdays. I guess you being 10 minutes older than dirt probably helped you hang in a little longer. I checked out the food blog, only one problem though. It has recipes for lots of good F______ food, isn't this what got us in trouble in the first place. I may have to look for a recipe on there as with holiday stuff I like to make 1 thing well and make it several times to different functions to make it easy on my self. I like dips for chips mainly. I was thinking of coming out with a line of frozen dinners called Stuffers for bariatric patients, just have to wait for Jenny Graig to call me back.
Hey Mr. Nice Guy (sputter, cough, choke)! Well, now that I have recovered from my carbohydrate induced stupor, I think I am ready to reply to your latest. Guess where I ate lunch??? You guessed it--Whole Paycheck. Oh. My. God. Can you say mouthgasm??? I am so glad I don't live any closer to one than I do!!! So lunch--some spicy peruvian beef, some creamy meatballs, bratwurst,sugar snap peas, salmon pasta (your favorite--seafood!), smoked gouda pasta (no smoked mozzarella--boo!), hearts of palm salad...holy cow. I mean cow. I think I ate more today than I have in a month. I bought some honey peanut butter, but I don't know if it is the right kind--Bees Knees? I also got some cinnamon raisin peanut butter. Can't wait to lick that knife. And there may even be picture evidence in my profile. Blurry, but there.
I always joke that the only way an intruder will be deterred by our pups is if they are afraid of being licked to death. My old girl actually brings a gift to anyone who comes in. She grabs whatever is close and gives her offering. It's been everything from one of her toys to a remote control to a roll of toilet paper. Did I mention the old girl (no, not me) opens doors and fetches toilet paper? Oh, and was your guano line a terrible attempt at a Scooby Doo reference? It's meddling kids--get it straight.
I think a 'stang sounds like a perfect midlife crisis car for you. Then again, can you drive a blood clot, because you are about to pay dearly for those!! Good times. That is the name of the massage parlor I'm opening. What's happening? And you thought Rerun was just the shows that people that are too broke to afford cable get to watch! :)
Speaking of gniepyt ni edoc--my friend and I used to work together at Montgomery Ward. Well, we would send emails to each other that were not always completely work related. Well, we found out Big Brother (not just an annoying show) was watching. We got called down hard about the content of the emails. So what did we do? Did we stop sending them? Noooooo. We started typing in code. We'd use the letter to the right of the letter we actually intended to use. By the time we decoded the coded messages the information was 2 days old!! It was fun for a while though and was our way of offering the man a big fat middle finger. After that little stunt we had our email privileges locked. Oh well.
Not sure I'm entirely comfortable with you calling me soft. You haven't even seen my pictures yet--how did you know??? LOL! Well, in the spirit of softness, thank you for posting your pics!! I'm so sorry you aren't feeling happy about your results. I know you mentioned not feeling like you had a waist. I was really worried about that because it is often said that women can come out boxy with the lower body lift--straight up and down like a boy without the curvy hips.Being that you are a boy, do you think guys typically have a cut in waist line? Your change is truly remarkable. You know that though. Now be happy with it damn it!!! Okay, at least don't beat yourself up about what isn't perfect. Who am I telling? It is really a huge effort to not look at everything that is still in need of work. I have to really try to embrace the positives. I find it very difficult to wrap my head around more surgery because I don't want to miss anymore time living life to recover. Oh, living life--did I tell you I've set the date to go hang gliding? November 7th is go day. Say a prayer--or 500.
That is a strange coincidence you uncovered about our drain days coinciding with our ages. Thankfully you are 10 minutes younger than dirt so you had time to come up with that calculation that only people sadly lacking in social outlets could possibly come up with!
Glad your Cornholers won. I don't understand ranking stuff at all. I just this last year started watching NCAA basketball championship stuff. My little sportsmind can only take so much!
I don't know that her recipes will help you along with your new Stuffers line, but her cheese balls were to die for. Do you do healthy dips? If not, I know this sausage, cream cheese number that is ridiculously good. Sounds weird, but is easy and people will fist fight for it, so that adds some fodder to the holidays!
Well, the sleeping pills are kicking in...don't want to type under the influence. Congrats again on your progress thus far. I hope you find that you can be as excited as you should be!!!
Have a great week!
Check out my blog--menumealplanning.com. Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!