Anyone have low iron right before surgery?!!!
Hi. I got a call two days before my surgery that my hematocrit (the number my surgeon says is the measure of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to your organs and is the important figure,m as well as hemoglobin). Do you know your hematocrit? There is not enough time to get your iron up with food or pills. I'd think if you could get an infusion ASAP perhaps it might have time to help, but I'd heard even those took 10-14 days to help your body start producing blood cells. The other issue with that is that if your numbers aren't low enough to necessitate a medically necessary infusion, you'll have to pay out of pocket and they aer almost 2K.
My surgeon said the concerns are 3-fold. It can cause issues with extreme fatigue after the surgery. It can cause cardiopulmondary issues (scariest to me). And it can cause issues with wound healing. For my part, I had a long-term history of low hematocrit, so he felt comofortable that my body had learned to compensate for that and would not cause any cardiopulmonary issues or really severe fatigue after, but I was worried about wound healing. I decided after going over everything with him that I would go ahead with the surgery. So far, I'm not having any wound healing issues. I actually had a little spot open up and it closed right back up for me.
So let us know your numbers and we can talk through it. Try not to panic. My surgeon said there is a level at which it is a non-negotiable and is just not safe to continued. He said my level was one where we could decide to either postpone and try to get my #'s up or go ahead knowing the risks. My hematocrit was 33 going into surgery and dropped to 27 after the surgery. He was not concerned about me after and even said he thought I'd drop to 23/24, but I did battle some low blood pressure postop.
Feel free to pm me too if you want to talk more or on the boards and I'll check back soon.
Hang in there!
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RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011
So, has your surgeon said anything one way or the other about proceeding or postponing? I'm very interested to hear whether or not they will do the infusion, but also should mention my doc said that a TRANSfusion would be the better route to go to more quickly bring the numbers up. Same issue though with medical necessity and cost. I should qualify this to say that there was some difference of opinion between my primary doc and my surgeon.
Remember, it is WAY better to be safe than sorry. As an athlete, you don't want to deplete your body the way a surgery could. On the flip side of that is that as an athlete, your body is in a MUCH better position to handle low iron based on what my surgeon told me. He said the numbers are very individual. For example, an HCT of 27 in an athlete may be okay, whereas in a 70 year old smoker it could be life threatening.
Looking forward to hearing their decision. Good Luck!!!
Check out my Tales of making meal planning managable, family fodder, and everything else under the sun.
RNY 2/3/09, LBL/BL w/Augmentation 9/16/11
Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185 Goal weight: Whatever the hell I can maintain without driving myself insane!
190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011