Looking into Breast Augmentation

Maryanne L.
on 9/11/11 11:17 am - Stockton, CA
 Hello all, I'm looking into having breast implants.  I have a consult with a surgeon in a few weeks and wanted to know if any of you had any tips for me.  What to ask, implant position, Silicone vs Saline, are you happy with yours if you have had it done etc.  Any help would be wonderful.  Thank you for taking the time to respond.
~ Maryanne
10 months post RNY
120 pounds lost and within 7 pounds of goal weight.
on 9/11/11 7:46 pm
 I just had mine done thursday. Be sure to consult with a few surgeons. I saw 4. That's my number 1 tip. Shop around, see what different doctors say, see who you feel comfortable with. Ask how long they've been practicing, what their most common complication is, what their policy is on revision (if there's a problem, will they fix it for free, or at a reduced price, etc). 

I had saline 480cc under the muscle along with a breast lift. They look totally weird right now because I'm only 4 days out but I'm already really  happy, they're so perky. Pics are in my profile. Also check out the website www.makemeheal.com which has a great messageboard for plastic surgery also. 
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
on 9/12/11 9:22 am
Had a breast lift first, Apr of this year, followed a month later with implants. Silicone 700cc under the muscle moderate profile and they are AMAZING! LOVE THEM!!!! I did do several consults. I agree...shop around.

Its not about finding the best deal, but more about finding someone you are comfortable with and is board certified. I ended up with the most expensive surgeon out of all that I met with, but he was the best! Had awards for his plastic surgeon work, board certified, and his photos were incredible...most of all he and his staff were WONDERFUL. I was comfortable right away. He's my miracle worker and I LOVE HIM. Dr. William Cullen in Grand Rapids, MI with Elite Plastic Surgery.

Just take your time and find the right fit. Best of luck!

Maureen K.
on 9/14/11 2:11 am
I has mine two years ago couldn't be happier I wanted to go to a surgeon someone I knew had ben to hate to say but wanted to see there work for real not just photos. I have silicone gummy beats to be exact and I love them best wishes to you.

SW - 223  CW- 130 GW- 140  Start Sz 18 Current Sz 4 Ht. 5'6"
 BA- LBL/TT 11/3/09


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