Scar care and treatment
The Scar FX Silicone Sheets have excellent reviews - anyone here try them?
I am also planning to do daily massage - any suggestions for stuff that worked for you? I've heard recommendations for Bio-oil, vitamin E, cocoa butter.
Cyndi U
Gastric Bypass, Dr. Daniel Jones, Dallas, 2003
LBL, Lipo, Butt Aug, Full Thigh Lift, hernia repair - 5/5/11, Baylor Houston Residency Program - Dr. Echo & Dr. Bullocks
BL/BA, brachioplasty - 8/26/11, Baylor Houston Residency Program - Dr. Lee & Dr. Bullocks
Cyndi, I will be 3 weeks post medial thigh life on Tuesday. I'm just now beginning to feel human. I've had plenty of surgeries before including both knees replaced and a lower body lift. However, this recovery has been tough. When were you able to start using the vitamin e w/cocoa butter? With my surgical nurse's permission I am able to use vasoline on the healing incisions. They get so dry and tight after my shower. Sorry, I don't know anything about the silicone sheets.
Karen C
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
My scars are flat, but you can still tell I have scars there. I don't think it will ever be perfect looking.
I didn't go into this for perfection, tho. I'm actually pretty proud of my scars! It tells the story of a difficult journey.
I use silicone strips. I'm not at home so can't tell you the brand. I found the best prices on line. The are 1 inch wide and 6 inches long( 4 strips in a box) . I cut one strip in half because it takes a 6 inch length and a 3 inch length to reach up to my underarm. I think it was about $80 for 2 boxes. The silicone comes in differing widths and shapes for different type surgeries. (The strips were $75 for a box of 4 at the plastic surgeon office.)
If you use any oil or "butter" on incisions - the silicone strips won't adhere.
Leigh Ann
Cyndi U
Gastric Bypass, Dr. Daniel Jones, Dallas, 2003
LBL, Lipo, Butt Aug, Full Thigh Lift, hernia repair - 5/5/11, Baylor Houston Residency Program - Dr. Echo & Dr. Bullocks
BL/BA, brachioplasty - 8/26/11, Baylor Houston Residency Program - Dr. Lee & Dr. Bullocks