PS in 13 days!!! AHHHH!
So I am scheduled (and already paid for) my PS which is in 13 days. I am having a circumferal (sp, i know) TT, Lipo anywhere needed, thigh lift, breast augmentation. When I wake up I will be coming home. My surgeons plan in that with the circumfral TT he can do a "lower body lift" since im not in a "severe case" of skin issues, though it is pretty bad, lol. I told him I dont want a flat butt and he promised I wouldnt have that nor dimples or cellulite. I'm getting nervous as the days are getting nearer and nearer... any tips/advice?
Met my Goal of 135lbs in 7 months!!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
Thank you soo much! I'm just getting more and more worried about the pain. If you knew what all physical pain i've gone through in my life you'd laugh bc its silly but for some reason I cant shake the concern off!
Met my Goal of 135lbs in 7 months!!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
That is a lot of work getting done all at once. I can tell you that for me the 1st 3 days were the worst. A co-worker of mine had her breasts and tummy tuck done at the same time and she says she about died. So if you wanna be in a lot of pain then yeah I guess its better to just get it out of the way. Hope it works out for you.
Aw, Jess.. I didn't know you are having plastics.. Congrats! You are getting a lot doe once girl.. Do your reg drs say anything about your health issues and recovery/ mobility? I am 5 wks post op from my TT.. You are gonna loveit girlie..
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
Yeah girl, I've been keeping it hush hush on FB. But yes, I'm having alot done... but for a couple of reasons. 1.) I only have to go through the pain once... and I know it will be extremely painful but after that IM DONE! 2.) the more you go under anesthia (I cant spell so bare with me bc I'm too busy to look it up LOL) the more likely you are to have effects from it. My pain dr is just worried that the surgeon will assume my pain patch will take care of the pain which it wont, and I've told him.. but the pain dr feels more comfortable in taking care of my post op pain, and so do I because she is amazing. Took me four years to find THE right dr in that area. Four years worth it though! My general dr doesnt know but thats bc we are so close. I look at him like he is my uncle and he sees me as his niece. The only thing they are concerned about is it will put a hold on my working out and the breast augmentation. I'm getting 350CC's. Orginally the surgeon and I were great with 200-300CC's but after he found out how i wanted them to look natural... he said he should go with 350CC's to achieve that affect without a lift being done. Did you do just a TT or a circumferenal (I know I cant spell ! btw its a new word for me, lolol)... I'm doing the second one check the other board and play the game I have up... :)
Met my Goal of 135lbs in 7 months!!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
Oh, my pain dr and new Therapists (for PT) are annoyed bc it takes so much time away from my rehab. I've been diagnosed with new issues and it will erase all of the work they have been doing the past few weeks but thats okay... bc AS SOON as I am released to work out and start my muscle therapy I will.
I am wondering if the garment on my legs back and breasts are going to bother my back... If a bra is too tight, or jeans or whatever... around me... my back is in hell if so i'll just have to suck it up and deal with it like I've always done :)
I am wondering if the garment on my legs back and breasts are going to bother my back... If a bra is too tight, or jeans or whatever... around me... my back is in hell if so i'll just have to suck it up and deal with it like I've always done :)
Met my Goal of 135lbs in 7 months!!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
Stool softener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ) Dont't need to be bearing down after surgery!!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH!
Preposition items you will need or want avaiable to you at waist level to prevent stretching or bending.
I have a 2 story home, so I positioned everything I needed in both locations. I stayed mainly down stairs for first couple of days. So I had items in 2 different places.
Fill alll medications EARLY pre-surgery (*incase their should be a problem getting exactly what you need)
-had my favorite yogurt protien drinks premeasured and in some instances certain foods prepared ahead of time. I didn't want to have to instruct my mom in how to prepare certain foods for me.
I have two yappy demanding ankle biters! So my preteen niece came with my mom to care for them, while my DH & DD were at work. Mom stayed for 1 week, and niece stayed for 3 weeks.
probably more things, just can't think of them right now,
Preposition items you will need or want avaiable to you at waist level to prevent stretching or bending.
I have a 2 story home, so I positioned everything I needed in both locations. I stayed mainly down stairs for first couple of days. So I had items in 2 different places.
Fill alll medications EARLY pre-surgery (*incase their should be a problem getting exactly what you need)
-had my favorite yogurt protien drinks premeasured and in some instances certain foods prepared ahead of time. I didn't want to have to instruct my mom in how to prepare certain foods for me.
I have two yappy demanding ankle biters! So my preteen niece came with my mom to care for them, while my DH & DD were at work. Mom stayed for 1 week, and niece stayed for 3 weeks.
probably more things, just can't think of them right now,
Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE BYE 130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU! Time for a Head adjustment! **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift
Exercise is not a LUXURY!
Exercise is a NECESSITY
Awesome information Carmen! Thank you so very much. I will have someone with me that weekend (my surgery is NEXT Friday) and my son (I'm a single mother and he is 5) will be gone that weekend as well. I already have the stool softner b/c I take pain meds (chronic pain) so I have the works and I know how to use them, I thought I should get some gas X strips bc I was gassy from being opened with each surgery I've had on my abdomin. I went out an bought a recliner... a friend of mine who had a TT done said the recliner would be my best friend. I didnt think to fill the rx's early... GREAT IDEA! I have pretty much everything I need around my recliner now such as laptop, remotes, drink, books, pens, highlighter etc etc. oh and meds. i guess I will buy the premade shakes b/c Im very very picky about how mine are made, lol. I have people coming in daily... one is an RN (my finicial advisors wife) to keep an eye on possible infection and document my drainage. I will have church members coming by daily with food for us. And I'm trying to get some to stay over on shift work for at least the first week.
Thank you so much for all of your advice!! :)
Thank you so much for all of your advice!! :)
Met my Goal of 135lbs in 7 months!!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!
My lowest was 98lbs... now I am 129lbs.
5"1 and 3/4ths.... Hey every lil' bit counts!