Random update- 5 weks
Today was my first full day without the garment and I felt so... normal. It was great. I also picked up a new sweatsuit for lounging and am happy that it is a size small, and loose.. I am thinking all told right now I am down two sizes, from a 7 to a 5 or 3.. I tried on a pair of size three shorts and my hubby liked, lol.. I still have swelling though, so maybe will end up in a loose three? We shall see..
Next week I am gonna do updated pics..
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
I appreciate following people from "considering" on through your stage and later. This is scary, $$ stuff and want to make certain I make the right decision. I am tall 5'8 my tummy appears flat in cloths but .... under those jeans is saggy loose skin that is making me crazy and self conscience. And the "girls" are gone... let's just say I cannot even fill out a training bra anymore!
Looking forwards to pictures....and again thanks for posting! Congrats on your success! You are an inspiration!
You go Girl.
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson