Before and after face lift w/ Dr Pino
Wow!! What an amazing difference! You look wonderful!
RNY - 12/10/2008 Dr. Terive Duperier of BMI of Texas
Lower Body Lift / Breast Lift - 07/20/2011 Dr Peter Fisher of San Antonio Plastic Surgery Center
Lower Body Lift / Breast Lift - 07/20/2011 Dr Peter Fisher of San Antonio Plastic Surgery Center

you look beautiful! That's the surgery I want most eventually too - well that and upper arms. I need the undereyes tho too. I am very happy for you and I know form doing eyelids 20 years back that it looks better & better in the months following the surgery. Enjoy! You deserve it! What an incredible weight loss too!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 8/21/11 12:43 pm
on 8/21/11 12:43 pm
Lol, you are too sweet.
I heard of Dr Pino here, but went to the surgery sites for medical tourism like make me heal, and PSJourneys, and looked at all the his work (as well as a handful of other surgeons work). There were several doctors I liked, but face work is Pino's thing (well, and boobs I think, but don't have those yet).
I heard of Dr Pino here, but went to the surgery sites for medical tourism like make me heal, and PSJourneys, and looked at all the his work (as well as a handful of other surgeons work). There were several doctors I liked, but face work is Pino's thing (well, and boobs I think, but don't have those yet).
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 8/21/11 12:49 pm
on 8/21/11 12:49 pm
Dr Pino is in Costa Rica, and I looked at pictures of his work, and talked to others who went to him through places like makemeheal, PSjourneys, and here. Some plastic surgeons are better at some body parts than others, and not all are great at post-weight loss skin. For faces, and boobs he's great, but I need arms next, and not sure he's the top guy for that.
I actually made a spread sheet of all the plastic surgeons I wanted, and put all the pro's and con's on the sheet. I had it down to about 3 plastics guys I basically could have thrown a dart to pick one of them. I'm happy I picked Pino.
I actually made a spread sheet of all the plastic surgeons I wanted, and put all the pro's and con's on the sheet. I had it down to about 3 plastics guys I basically could have thrown a dart to pick one of them. I'm happy I picked Pino.