Tricare covering pani?

Lori R.
on 8/2/11 1:07 am - Manhattan, KS
Hi everyone.

I'm at the first stages of meeting with a plastic surgeon (next week) and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of Tricare paying for at least the pani portion of an abdominalplasty due to lower back pain?  My posture is horendous and I know part of it is the extra weight just hanging there.  I also have degeneration of discs in my lower back and I assume the skin weight is adding pressure to the already irritated area. 

Anyways, I just thought I'd ask....

Thanks in advance for your replies!!

on 8/2/11 7:40 am
 Tricare covers the Panni but not the extended tummy tuck or muscle repair. I ended up paying for the "upgrade"  for 5700.  I had surgery July 25th and am glad I did it!
Still Fawn
on 8/2/11 8:23 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
I guess it depends on the discretion of the dr. I had my full TT with muscle repair 8 days ago, with zero out of pocket.. I did do it at a military hospital though, and not through civilian. They definitely do cover at least the panni if you meet the requirements though!

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 8/2/11 8:44 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
BCBS of Florida was my primary and they approved the panniculectomy and ventral hernia repar then medicare my secondary picked up the rest. 

Since I had to be cut in an anchor way anyhow.  I got a make shift TT with my panniculectomy and abd muscle wall repair with the repair of the severely large ventral hernia.   It was a 5 hour long surgery. 

I ended up getting what I wanted but I lost my belly button due to the severity of the hernia and thats ok with me. 


I hope tricare pays some  it not all of yours.  Do your homework well and be ready to provide pictures of rashes, infections etc.  Cover all your bases.
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