panni removal question

on 7/23/11 7:31 am - Houston, TX
I still have 50 lbs to lose but I have a grade 4 panni and need to have it removed in order to lose this last 50 lbs.  It's to the point of not being able to exercise without raw and sometimes bleediing due to sweat etc.  My question is - what will happen to the upper stomach area. My PS said he will be removing the entire overlaping area from hip to hip and down - where the extra skin hangs and will be lifiting the monds area to where it belongs. There is no TT involved at this time but I'm wondering if my exercising will tighten the stomach area without having the muscles tightened at the time of panni removal. Will the upper portion of my stomach look funny and buldge. Don't get me wrong I am soooo excited about having all the skin removed. He said he will be taking about 20lbs off due to the panni and extra monds skin. Will I be happy with the way I look after the surgery. (not counting the fact I still need to lose the last 50lbs and get a TT later)? I'm so afraid I will look like a freak or something. Any advice to lower my fears?

thanks in advance for your advice -
on 7/23/11 7:50 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
I would imagine it will be bitter-sweet.  Sweet to have the grade 4 panni removed and your mons area back up to normal, but bitter because you won't be "flat" like a tummy tuck and still extra skin in upper abdomen.

With 50 pounds to lose you will be able - after those 50 pounds - to have your tummy tuck and have the desired results.

I have known of people with beginning BMIs over 50 that have panni at the time of their bariatric surgery so they will be able to walk afterwards.

Be careful to get in extra protein (I did 130 gm a day one month before tummy tuck and at 8 weeks after  still keeping it up for healing.)  Also make sure your labs are well within limits.  If not healing will be an issue and you don't want open incisions, dead skin, etc.

I'm at goal, good shape, great labs, extra protein etc and still had an area of tissue necrosis leaving an open wound.  It is healing well and it happens, but you want to make sure you are in the best nutritional shape possible.

Best wishes.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 7/23/11 9:40 am
I had my RNY 3/10/10 and have had a stable weight since around Jan of this year.  I was 30lbs from my goal weight when I had plastics. I've followed my diet and exercise but my weight wouldn't move.  I would lose inches but no weight.  My surgeon said I could go ahead with all of my repairs now. So I had the fleur de lis to remove the pannis and the upper belly.  This way you have a totally flat tummy.  I also had lipo to even out the hips/legs.  I had a breast lift and implants with lipo.  Talk to your surgeon to see if he can complete the TT later on involving your upper belly later if you need to wait.  Do you think you will be able to the lose the additional 50lbs?  I wanted all my plastics done at once so I only needed to go under one time.
Good luck!
on 7/23/11 10:36 am, edited 7/23/11 10:37 am - Houston, TX

Thank you both very much for your insight into my situation.

siberiancat - I will definitely be glad and will put up with the upper body tissue until my TT. I just didn't want to have that hanging skin removed and stick out at the top like I was preggo. lol I've had my three kids and don't want to look like I'm having another - 


JodiLee1 - oh most definitely I will lose the last 50lbs - I have come to far and been through too much to get that close to goal and give up. I knew the last few lbs would need exercise daily to get it off but I kept getting raw and bleeding then would have to stop for a few days until it healed before I could start exercising again. In other words I was spinning my wheels. Exercise needs to be daily - not three days and off four or five and start again. So this surgery will definitely let me keep my schedule.


thanks again to both of you - I feel better about my surgery. It will be mid September so I will definitely begin building my protein ahead of time and have my labs checked in two weeks to make sure all is fine.

I'll let you know how I'm doing when it's over. Yippppeeee - I will be able to walk standing up tall again. I can't wait for that! 

Laura in Texas
on 7/23/11 1:09 pm
Hi there!! I noticed Garth was your surgeon. He was mine, too. LOVE him!! Who is doing your plastics?

I think you will be happy in that the panni will be gone, you will be able to exercise, and it will look better, but it will not be the final result you want when all is said and done, and you already know that.


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 7/23/11 1:54 pm - Houston, TX

Hi Laura - Yes, I love Garth too. He was a fantastic doctor and did a wonderful job.  My PS is not Dr. Lomonaco - I called his office to see about my panni removal and never got past his receptionist. She said he would not do any plastic surgery until I was within 10lbs of goal. I tried to explain my situation to her and she told me to wear a body suit and all would be fine. I actually laughed - I said do you know how much water a RNY patient drinks a day? I told her by the time I got sweaty exercising and had to potty I would never get the body suit back up to finish my workout. She simply said well the Dr. won't do anything until you are within 10 lbs of goal. I said thanks for nothing.

 I'm using Dr. Richard Vanik at Memorial SW Hospital. He was recommended by my PCP. They have known each other for years and when I made the appointment not one person told me he wouldn't help me. When I showed him my problem and explained what I wanted. He was in complete agreement. So I will get this panni off and finally be able to exercise on a daily basis. Dr. Vanik told me I wouldn't have to be ashamed to go into a gym to use the machines either. I tried a gym but so many people starred at me that I felt uncomfortable and left. At least that won't happen again. I know the surgery will leave a ugly scar and I will lose my belly button for now but I could care less. I'm 62 years old and I'm not entering a beauty contest just trying to get healthy. lol The TT I get later will correct the problem areas left behind. At least I hope it will.

thanks for replying - I appreciate your response.


Laura in Texas
on 7/28/11 12:17 am
I am so sorry Dr. LoMonaco's staff would not listen to you. I know he would have helped you had he known. He is a very caring doctor. I remember several cases such as yours that he did on "Big Medicine". HERE is one I found on youtube.

I'm sure the surgeon you are using will do a good job and you will be happy with the results. Keep us posted!!


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

(deactivated member)
on 7/24/11 10:07 am - Lafayette, IN
i am still early out from panni removal but i can tell you it is definitely bitter sweet. i am thankful the i can actually see my thighs but my upper abdomen is still quite protrusive and i feel like i look pregnant. absolutely none of my pre plastics pants or skirts fit cause my waist is at least 3 -4 inches bigger than it was pre plastics.
on 7/25/11 5:17 am - Houston, TX

Oh Lord - that is not what I wanted to hear. It is exactly what I was afraid of - You get the hanging skin off and the upper belly protruding makes you look pregnant. You are below of goal and I still need the last 50 lbs off so I can only imagine what my upper torso will look like - I wonder if exercising will tighten the muscles and help to shrink the upper belly? You know we go through so much to get the weight off and still look fat. I wish I looked like the other people on here that lost their weight. I can't imagine 50 more lbs gone is going to make me look any thinner. Sometimes I wonder if it was worth the trouble. Seems like nothing I do makes me look any better. sigh

I hope your situation gets better. I know there is lots of swelling and it takes time for the swelling to go down. Maybe in your case one the swelling goes away you will have the desired look you are hoping to have. Fingers are crossed for you and good wishes are coming your way. 




on 7/26/11 1:09 pm - Richardson, TX
I had a panni removal three weeks ago.  The plastic surgeon did a little more than a straight panniculectomy.  He removed the pannus, but the incision goes past my hip on both sides.  He pulled down the upper abdominal skin tight and created a new belly button.  Having said that, it is not flat.  I know I still have some swelling, but it is disheartening that none of my preop pants fit right now.  Still, I'll take this over what I had before.  I will share pics if you message your email address to me.
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