Feeling a little down
I was approved for the breast reduction but not the abdominalplasty or panniculectomy. I met the first criteria of it hanging below the symphysis pubis The issue I am having the rashes but they come and go, I don't have pictures to show the rashes and smell that comes from the excess skin. If you have any advice, Please Help! Forgot to mention that the plastic surgeon does not write appeals he said that was my responsibility.
I don't really have advice except to ALWAYS take pictures. I documented my rashes from the beginning only to find that NO cosmetic/reconstructive surery except cleft lip/palate is covered under my insurance. it's a complete exclusion. Dealing with insurance companies takes a lot of time and patience. I know others can be of help with the appeals. I just wanted to wish you luck.

Have you ever seen a doctor for your rashes and skin issues? If so, got and get a copy of those medical records to submit as your proof. If not, start going to see one NOW so you can get it all documented. Then you can appeal once you've got enough documentation. Mine required 3 months worth.
Good luck!
Good luck!