Anyone get plastics before achieving "normal" bmi/goal weight?

on 6/14/11 1:54 am
Just curious to hear from others who may be doing what I am doing. 

After being morbidly obese my entire life I have no real desire to be skinny so I am starting to think about plastics to reshape my body even though I am still (and may always be) in the "overweight" category.  

How important was it to you to be your absolute smallest before getting plastic? If you got plastics and then lost a little more weight, like 10 more lbs, did you have a problem with sagging skin again?

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

(deactivated member)
on 6/14/11 2:33 am
My surgeon told me that I needed to be at a "certain" weight/BMI for him to take me as a patient.  It is not at the low end of what is healthy for me.  Since I carried most of my weight between my waist and hips and I'm having an LBL I think this was to ensure the best possible outcome/results.

I would interview several surgeons and see what their requirements would be - good luck!
on 6/14/11 4:29 am
I did two years ago and I wish I hadn't as I am going back on Monday for revisions as I have sagging skin again! I lost about 15 pounds since my plastics (lower body lift, tummy tuck, brachioplasty, inner thighs).  I was small enough when I had my original surgery to have everything done at once. 

I did not have weight loss surgery to lose weight.  I lost it all with diet and exercise 11 years ago.  But since then I have gained and lost 20 pounds several times.  In 2009, I got down to my original WW weight and had my surgery 6 months later.  After all the swelling went down etc I decided I still wasn't happy with my weight and I lost some more.  My stomach still looks great but I have sagging skin on my arms and legs again. 

on 6/14/11 4:35 am
I have a normal BMI but haven't reached my goal weight.  I'd really like to lose another 15-20 pounds, but my weight has been stable for about six months, and my sagging breasts really affected my self esteem and quality of life, so I decided to go for it..  I know that if I lose more weight and/or choose to have children, it may jeopardize my results and require further surgery, but I was willing to take that risk to feel good about myself now.  And by the way, I'm only four days post op but I couldn't be happier!  If you actually plan to lose more weight, I suggest you wait to undergo surgery.  But many WLS patients do not reach a "normal" BMI from a formerly morbidly obese state.  Once your weight has plateaued and been stable a while, it may be time to think about plastics, but I would try to hold off until you stop fluctuating more than a few pounds of water weight
on 6/14/11 4:48 am
Nursie, that sounds like me. I've been maintaining at 180 for over 6 months despite cutting calories and increasing exercise. I hate to do surgery when I still could lose 30-40 more lbs and be "normal" but I'm starting to think I will have a better quality of life all around, and have no body complaints if I just had a tummy tuck.  Been emailing with Dr. Manjarrez and he said I'd need 2 separate procedures to get "best results." That would be a TT and then thigh lift and but lift or something. I definitely need to consult with some local surgeons cause I don't really want 2 procedures (can't afford it either.) And I am not looking for perfect results either.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 6/14/11 5:27 am
Yes, that's just like me!  My body just stopped at 145ish, and no matter how much or how little I eat and exercise, it stays within five pounds of that weight.  Dr. Manjarrez is a great doctor!  I almost went with him for my plastics, but Dr. Luque is a friend of a friend and so was able to give me a better deal, but Dr. M is great from what I've seen and heard of him.  Do you have a lot of discomfort from the hanging skin?  Is there any way you might be able to get a TT partially covered by insurance, and then you could pay for the thighs/butt/LBL or whatever you needed?
on 6/14/11 5:33 am
I am lucky that I don't have much loose skin at all. Of the 95-ish lbs I've lost, most of it seems to come off muscular areas like my legs and thighs and hasn't left any evidence. I've got down from a size 24 to 10 women's pant size (because they sit UNDER the belly) but I swear my belly is just as big as it was before!!  I have been emailing back and forth with Dr. Manjarrez all day and he told me his price which was 1500 over my maximum (my max is really like 5000 and he said 6500 plus a lot of additional fees and travel related stuff.) So if you think Dr. Luque is able to do it a little less, I can email you privately.  No way to get any of it covered by insurance I'm sure. It just isn't that severe, totally cosmetic in my opinion.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 6/14/11 5:46 am
I don't have much loose skin either.  I desperately needed my breasts done, but had needed that since puberty.  Couldn't be happier with my results so far!  24 to 10 is a wonderful accomplishment!  Congratulations!  I don't know if Luque would be cheaper, but he was a little cheaper than Manjarrez for me.  I'm pretty doped up right now, but I can ask for an estimate when I see him.  What exactly would you need done?  And you would be able to send him pictures securely so that he can look at them in advance. 
on 6/14/11 5:49 am
Thanks so much! And absolutely on the pics, just give me an email.  Manjerrez seemed to think all I needed at first was a tummy tuck and hip (or thigh?) lipo. Then he mentioned in a later email that I would want a 2nd thing like a butt lift for best results.  He still hasn't responded (after 6 back and forths) to my question regarding the price. I am not going to be able to do the surgery till November or December due to time off work issues so no hurry ;) But thanks for the rec's and all the information. You poor thing all doped up! Hope they gave you good drugs.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 6/14/11 5:56 am
Well, how do you feel about your butt?  It's really what YOU want, not what some doctor thinks will give the best results.  Ah, that's the one problem with Dr. Luque: he really doesn't give the good drugs, only Toradol.  But my friend gave me my Toradol and a double dose of Tramadol and tylenol.... so now I am.... crazy.
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