Tell Me About Liposuction!
Is the recovery as bad as I've heard? I was planning to have some done when I have my breast-lift (on Friday) just to make my sillhouette smoother, but I'm concerned about the recovery period because I'm currently going through a period of job-hunting and interviewing and long car drives etc etc. Will I be able to handle the recovery if I need to be in good shape two weeks post-lipo? Thoughts?
No, it's not Mexico itself. It's the stamp/sticker situation. It is inconvenient to get narcotics in Mexico, but it is definitely possible. Luque doesn't do them, but apparently the anesthesiologist can and does. Because my surgery would normally be done in a hospital in MX, pain control shouldn't be a problem. But because I am having it outpatient (like I would here), pain control IS a problem. And no, I don't have pain medications, unfortunately!
Well I did a large volume lipo procedure about 10 years ago as an outpatient and I was not prescribed Rx pain meds either. I had 2 procedures 2 weeks apart...hips and thighs first then arms and tummy after. Only OTC stuff. I was sore like very bruised but it passed pretty quickly. As for the breast lift, it's not painful unless you're getting implants under the muscle. But a lift alone feels like breast soreness when you are on your period. I don't have implants so don't know about that pain. I think you'll be fine. But I understand your hesitation.