Insurance Denied for Panniculectomy
Finally got word back from United Healthcare that they will not cover my panniculectomy. I guess that was the answer I was expecting - I did not meet the requirements for skin breakdown or amount of redundant skin. Still was a bummer to get the news. Now that I am self pay + Flex $, I am going to hold until this fall and will only do the extended TT, waiting until next year on the BL.
I did have to get my Dr. to write a letter of medical necessity to the IRS to use my flex. There is still a chance they will deem it cosmetic and not applicable for the funds but I am going to have to take that risk or I lose the $4000. Here are a couple of images of what is considered cosmetic by United. It does not look too terrible in these pics, admitttedly, but I sure hate living with it. I am down about 6 lbs from these and it is more wrinkly.
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I did have to get my Dr. to write a letter of medical necessity to the IRS to use my flex. There is still a chance they will deem it cosmetic and not applicable for the funds but I am going to have to take that risk or I lose the $4000. Here are a couple of images of what is considered cosmetic by United. It does not look too terrible in these pics, admitttedly, but I sure hate living with it. I am down about 6 lbs from these and it is more wrinkly.
Edited to correct photos