leg swelling after tummy tuck?
I am 3 wks post op from a tummy tuck. I had a few set backs, had one drain removed too early and had to get another one for a week. But ever since they day after i had my second drain removed which was at 2 wks, my ankels and legs have been swollen bad, yesterday my ankels had rolls, it awful! anyone else have this problem? i have another dr appt tomorrow too
My PS said the complaint department doesn't even open 'til after 3 months! Expect swelling.
The best thing I've found for swelling of ankles is plenty of fluids, elevating the feet, and dry brushing (google lymphatic dry brushing) from the bottom of the feet up the legs. That also really helps your skin.
W/ all my inches lost in the last year I had only lost 1" in my ankles (REALLY a bummer!!!) but since I started dry brushing about 3 weeks ago, I've lost another 1/2" AND I haven't lost any more weight in that time.
Try it!
The best thing I've found for swelling of ankles is plenty of fluids, elevating the feet, and dry brushing (google lymphatic dry brushing) from the bottom of the feet up the legs. That also really helps your skin.
W/ all my inches lost in the last year I had only lost 1" in my ankles (REALLY a bummer!!!) but since I started dry brushing about 3 weeks ago, I've lost another 1/2" AND I haven't lost any more weight in that time.
Try it!